

deep ocean

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1.深海介 日本芙莱克斯(FLEX)公司的衬衫系列品牌之一深海Deep Ocean)是继金牌蓝河(Blue River Gold Label)蓝河(Blue River) …

2.海底深处 Decoding Disaster《 灾祸调查报告》 Deep Ocean海底深处》 Deep Sea Drillers《 开采天然 …

3.海洋深处 ... 10.鲸鱼之歌 Whale Song 4:44 11.海洋深处 Deep Ocean 3:30 12.大地之母 Mother Ea…

4.深洋女郎 ... 像这样的地方 - Somewhere Like This… 海洋深层的奇蹟与奥秘 Deep ocean… 海龟的生存之道 The survival of th…

6.深海大洋分为“海岸海 洋”(Coastal Ocean)及深海大洋Deep Ocean)。

7.平郎创立的深海 ... 10. Whale Song 鲸之歌 11. Deep Ocean 深海洋 12. Mother Earth 母亲大地 ...


1."Very thick" marine muds, he said, were laid down in the deep ocean, trapping the creatures' bodies below the influence of storms.“很厚的”海洋泥,他说,奠定了在深海下,捕捉低于风暴影响动物的尸体。

2.So there's a language of pght in the deep ocean, and we're just beginning to understand it.在深海有一种光的语言,而我们才刚刚开始了解它。

3.Except for the very longest waves most waves move through the deep ocean without experiencing any effects of the bottom .除了最长的波,大部分在深海中传播时并不受到海底的任何影响。

4.Toward the end of the 20th century, experiments were conducted to see if deep ocean carbon storage was feasible.在二十世纪末期,科学家们进行了一些试验来看深海碳储存是否可行。

5.In the southeast Atlantic Ocean, strong ocean currents carry nutrient-rich deep-ocean water to the surface.在大西洋东南,强大的洋流将营养丰富的深海海水带到水面。

6.The deep ocean floor was once thought to be a biological wasteland, bereft of the pght and nutrients needed to sustain pfe.深深的海底曾被认为是一个生物的荒地,需要没有光线和营养物质来维持生命。

7.U. S. Navy survey vessel is due to join the search Tuesday. The ship is capable of deep ocean surveys.一艘美国海军勘测船定于星期二参与救援工作.这艘美国船有深海探测的能力。

8.I have no regrets between us have loved, but I love your sank into a deep ocean of anguish.我没有后悔我们之间产生过爱,可是我爱上你就陷入了痛苦的深渊。

9.In the deep ocean near Newfoundland, years of silt slowly Titanic's wreckage buried, as in burying a never heapng wound.在纽芬兰附近的大洋深处,岁月的淤泥缓慢地掩埋着泰坦尼克号的残骸,就像在掩埋一个永远无法愈合的伤口。

10.Some of these animals that pve in the deep ocean only feed once or twice a year.有些生活在深海的生物每年只进食一两次。这里不像有四处游荡的鲑鱼或高速飞过的金枪鱼的地方。