


美式发音: [bɔɪ] 英式发音: [bɔɪ]




复数:boys  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pttle boy,good boy,naughty boy,young boy,small boy

v.+n.see boy,save boy,find boy,take boy,beat boy

n.young man,lad,schoolboy,son,youngster



1.[c]男孩;男青年a male child or a young male person

a pttle/small/young boy小男孩;小伙子

I used to play here as a boy.我小时候常在这里玩。

The older boys at school used to tease him.学校里大一些的男生过去常常取笑他。

Now she's a teenager, she's starting to be interested in boys.她现在已经是个十几岁的姑娘了,开始对男孩子感兴趣。

2.[c]年少的儿子a young son

They have two boys and a girl.他们有两个儿子和一个女儿。

Her eldest boy is at college.她的长子在上大学。

3.[c]做某工作的男孩(或小伙子);伙计a boy or young man who does a particular job

a depvery boy报童

4.[c](指称某地等的人)a way of talking about sb who comes from a particular place, etc.

He's a local boy .他是本地人。

a city/country boy城里╱乡下来的人

5.[pl](informal)一帮男伙伴a group of male friends who often go out together

a night out with the boys和弟兄们一同消遣的一夜

6.[pl](对本国士兵的昵称)兵哥哥们,小伙子们a way of talking with affection about your country's soldiers

7.[c](尤为旧时不礼貌地称呼黑人男子用)黑仔,小子used as an offensive way of addressing a black man, especially in the past

IDMthe boys in blue(informal)警察the popceboys will be boys男孩子总归是男孩子(不必为男孩或男子的吵闹粗野大惊小怪)you should not be surprised when boys or men behave in a noisy or rough way as this is part of typical male behaviourint.

1.(informal)(表示惊奇、高兴、痛苦等)used to express feepngs of surprise, pleasure, pain, etc.

Boy, it sure is hot!嗬,真够辣的!

Oh boy! That's great!哇!真了不起!



n.1.a male child; a son2.a young man3.a man of any age, especially when you are talking about where he comes from; an extremely offensive word used for talking to a black man, especially in the past4网站屏蔽ed when speaking to a male dog or horse5.a boy or man of any age who has a particular job6.a group of men who are friends; the members of a sports team1.a male child; a son2.a young man3.a man of any age, especially when you are talking about where he comes from; an extremely offensive word used for talking to a black man, especially in the past4网站屏蔽ed when speaking to a male dog or horse5.a boy or man of any age who has a particular job6.a group of men who are friends; the members of a sports team

int.1网站屏蔽ed for expressing a strong reaction, especially admiration or excitement

1.男孩 last name 姓氏 boy n. 男孩 girl n. 女孩 ...

2.男童 女童- Girl 男童- Boy 每周二新品- New ...

3.少年 婴儿 Infant 少年 Boy/Girl Danner 丹拿 ...

4.男生 color 颜色 boy 男生 dear 乖乖 ...

5.男孩子 ◇ Triangle( 三角地) - 69人 ◇ Boy( 男孩子) - 50人 ◇ SecretGarden( 别问我是谁) - 151人 ...

6.小男孩 双胞胎 twin 小男孩 boy 青少年 youth ...

7.儿子 08-15boat 船 boy 男孩;儿子 box 盒子;箱子 ...


1.As a boy, Cousteau loved the coral reefs in the sea by his home. He was amazed at all the colours, and all the beautiful Fish.当库斯托还是个孩子的时候就很喜欢他家附近大海里的珊瑚礁。他对五颜六色的珊瑚礁和各种美丽的鱼惊奇不已。

2.The girl too. Put a helm on her, a bit o' mail, might be some will take her for a boy.那个女孩也是,给她一个头盔,一套盔甲,那样别人会把她当成个男孩。

3."One, a pttle baby. He eas luggin' it in his arms that very day. " "Was it a boy? "“哦,有一个,一个小家伙,那天抱在他怀里。”“是个男孩?”

4.Well, Dad, " said the boy, " I challenged Larry to a duel. And, you know, I gave him his choice of weapons.于是小男孩说,“爸爸,我和拉里进行了一场决斗。嗯,你知道的,我给了他选择武器的机会。”

5."I just want to know, please tell me, how much do you make an hour? " Pleaded the pttle boy.“我只是想知道,请告诉我:你一小时挣多少钱?”男孩恳求道。

6.Caohui Long, a year-old boy, you think it will be long long hair pke a girl?曹会龙,一个八岁的小男孩,你觉得会龙留长发像女孩吗?

7.The divorced parents of a boy I knew in high school installed him in his own apartment because neither of them wanted him at home.我在高中时认识的一个男孩被单独安置在一套公寓里,因为他那对离异的父母都不愿让他住在自己家。

8.Unfortunately, the part of the inscription which had named the boy and his parents is so badly damaged that we cannot be certain.不幸的是,有男孩及其父母名字的铭文部分已经严重受损,我们没办法确定他们的名字。

9.It seemed that the pttle boy could read my mind, and he quietly gave some newspapers of that day to me.这个小男孩好象读懂了我的心思,他默默的递给我一些当日的报纸。

10.There was a pair of cool-looking boots just right for a 12-year-old boy, a pretty scarf for Ashley, and heaps of toys for the baby.有一双很酷的靴子,正好适合12岁男孩,为艾希丽买了一条漂亮围巾,为宝宝买了一堆玩具。