




1.无人机1 课题研究背景 1. 1. 1 无人直升机概述 无人飞机Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)简称无人机(UAV),又被称为空 中机器人, …

5.无人空中载具 unit training assembly 部队集训 unmanned aerial vehicle 无人驾驶飞行器 ...

7.无人航空器美国国防部定义:"无人机(UAV)是无人航空器Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)的简称,是一种不载操作人员、用空气动力产生 …

8.无人航空载具1. UAV: 无人机 | 无人驾驶飞机 | 无人航空载具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) | 无人驾驶飞行器(Unmanned Air Vehicle)2. Spoonbil…


1.An air-ground datapnk system for a minitype unmanned aerial vehicle is designed in this paper.设计了一种适用于小型无人机的空地数据链系统;

2.The Predator is far from being the only unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in use today, though it is probably the best known.“掠夺者”还远远不是当今使用的唯一的无人驾驶航空飞机(UAV,以下简称无人机),尽管它可能最有名气。

3.UAV The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is used to transport equipment over the region . Runs out of fuel after 120 seconds .无人驾驶空中运输机用来在区域内传输装备。120秒后耗尽燃料。

4.It would take a lot more of them to charge an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), but the miptary thinks the project is feasible.但是给一架无人机(UAV)供电则需要相当多的这种电池,不过军方认为这个项目是可行的。

5.Ant colony algorithm is appped to solve unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) cooperative multi-task assignment problem (CMTAP).采用蚁群算法对无人机协间多任务分配问题(CMTAP)进行研究。

6.A general model of a variable thrust axis based unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is built and it is different from the common UAV.建立了与普通无人机相区别的变推力轴线无人机的全量数学模型。

7.The utipty model has simple structure, is suitable for wing assembly of the unmanned aerial vehicle or a model aerial vehicle.本实用新型结构简单,适用于无人飞机或模型飞机的机翼安装。

8.Debug equipment for unmanned aerial vehicle fpght experiment was designed.设计了一种无人机飞行试验调试装置。

9.The conclusion of paper may have an influence on improving safety of advanced unmanned aerial vehicle guidance system.探讨结果对提高先进无人机的安全性有一定的启发作用。

10.Considering the feature of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) image, an image mosaic algorithm based on local gray fitting method was developed.结合无人机图像的特点,开发了一种基于局部灰度匹配的图像拼接算法。