




1.曼哈顿岛 曼谷 Bangkok 曼哈坦岛 Manhattan Island 曼彻斯特 Manchester ...

3.曼克顿岛面积包括整个曼克顿岛Manhattan Island),东河(East River)、哈林河(Harlem River)与哈得孙河(Hudson River)环 …

4.纽约曼哈顿岛  此次纽约曼哈顿岛Manhattan island)之行,让戴天在三帮党的地位与威信又上一筹,果真如他所言,在自己的概念里,从来 …


1.A recent archeology survey of the palace ruin determined it to be roughly the size of Manhattan island of New York City.最近的一项考古调查,确定故宫毁掉它的规模大致在曼哈顿岛上的纽约市。

2.Battery: a park at the southern tip of Manhattan Island at the upper end of New York Bay in southeast New York.炮台公园:曼哈顿岛南端的公园,位于纽约东南部的纽约湾北端。

3.A borough of New York City in southeast New York, mainly on Manhattan Island at the north end of New York Bay.美国纽约州东南部纽约市里的一个拥有自治权的区,主要位于曼哈顿岛上,即纽约湾的北头。

4.Last year, she was one of just 20 swimmers who completed a 28-mile course in the rivers around New York City's Manhattan Island.去年,她是一个只有20游泳谁完成了28英里的河流纽约市的曼哈顿岛。

5.The Empire State Building on New York's Manhattan Island is an architectural icon.耸立在纽约曼哈顿岛上的帝国大厦是一个建筑设计杰作。

6.Together, the broken chunks of ice equaled an area of 125 square kilometers, about two times the size of Manhattan Island in New York.破裂的冰块总共占地125平方公里,面积大概有两个纽约的曼哈顿岛那么大。

7.On Friday, New York's main power company said it hopes to return power throughout Manhattan island by Saturday.周五,纽约主要电力公司称希望在周六之前恢复整个曼哈顿岛的电力。

8.The fur trade flourished and the Dutch city of New Amsterdam was estabpshed on Manhattan Island.随着毛皮贸易繁荣,在曼哈顿岛岛建立了荷兰阿姆斯特丹市。

9.Because Manhattan Island is made of sopd rock, it is safe to build very tall buildings.曼合顿岛是由坚固的岩石构成的,这使得兴建大厦非常安全。

10.Because Manhattan Island is made of sopd rock.因为曼哈顿岛是用坚固的岩石组成的。