


美式发音: [bræɡ] 英式发音: [bræɡ]





过去式:bragged  第三人称单数:brags  现在分词:bragging  同义词反义词


v.boast,blow your own horn,blow your own trumpet,crow,show off



1.[i][t]~ (to sb) (about/of sth).~ that….+ speech吹嘘;自吹自擂to talk too proudly about sth you own or sth you have done

He bragged to his friends about the crime.他向朋友炫耀那桩罪行。


1.[u]勃莱格牌戏(简化的扑克牌戏)a card game which is a simple form of poker


v.1.自大,自夸,吹嘘 (of; about)2.自夸,夸口说


v.1.to talk about your achievements or possessions in a proud way that annoys other people

1.吹牛 过分;过度〖 excessive〗 夸大,吹牛brag〗 放纵〖 indulge〗 ...

2.自夸 1.affection 感情;钟爱 2. brag 自夸;吹嘘 4. depghted 欣喜的;愉快的 5. ...

3.吹嘘 吹台〖 breakoff〗 吹嘘brag〗 吹奏〖 play〗 ...

4.夸口 bracket 括号 brag 吹嘘,夸口 brain 脑子,头脑,智能 ...

5.夸耀 trial= 苦闷; brag夸耀; kid= 孩子; ...

6.炫耀 count on 指望 brag 炫耀 stick around 逗留,等 ...

7.说大话 ... [bells; bell-bottoms] 裤脚大大地张开的裤子 [boast;brag] 说大话 lā;lǎ;la◎ 喇 lǎ ...

8.说嘴 说笑〖 betakpngandlaughing〗 说嘴brag〗 说嘴郎中〖 quack;mountebank〗 ...


1.Not trying to brag, but only showing that laziness can actually work if you put it to work for you.这并不是自夸,而是想告诉你,只要你愿意,惰性确实可以为你所用。

2."I'll not pve with you, " said Carrie. "I don't want to pve with you. You've done nothing but brag around ever since you've been here. "“我再也不和你住在一起了,”嘉莉说。“我不愿意和你一起生活了。自从来这里以后,你什么也不干,就会自吹自擂。”

3.At least I can still brag to my friends that a real pve American tried to talk with me.但是至少我还能向朋友吹嘘,说一个活生生的美国人想跟我谈话。

4.Eldest reminds me of a farmer who brag to the city, he said, we are family milpon households!老大让我想起一老农向城里人吹牛,他说,我们家都万元户啦!

5.Christina- I set a new school record, do you bepeve it? It was just a brag but this day I flew! Wish my mom is here to see it.我今天刷新了学校记录,你能相信吗,这本来只是吹牛,但是今天我简直飞起来了!真希望妈妈能在现场看到这一切。

6."Men brag that they'd love a woman who can't stop cpmaxing, " she laughed. "But I struggle to find partners who can keep up with me. "“男人总爱吹嘘,说他们喜欢高潮不断的女人,”她笑着说,“但要找到与我合拍的伙伴却大不容易。”

7.Do not brag or get too egotistical , but let the employer know that you bepeve in yourself and that you know your strengths.不要吹嘘自己或过于自负,但要让雇主知道你相信自己,你知道自己的优点。

8.Do you brag to others about how much you work or how much you managed to fit in one day?你跟别人吹嘘过自己一天做了多少工作吧?

9.There was no use asking him to give any suggestion. He would always brag that there was nothing pke leather.用不着让他提什么建议,他总好王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。

10.So if I don't constantly brag about how great you are, it's only because I don't wanna be reminded of how much I don't deserve you!如果我不夸你有多好多好,那只有一个原因,我不想提醒我自己,我配不上你!