


网络释义:呼气峰流速(peak expiratory flow);最大呼气流量;峰流速(peak flow)


1.呼气峰流速(peak expiratory flow)呼气峰流速(PEF)及最大呼气流量-容积曲线(MEFV)也可作为气流受限的参考指标   .胸部X线检查:X线检查对确定肺部并发症 …


3.峰流速(peak flow)峰流速仪测定峰流速(PEF)就是在胸部充满气体以后用力呼气时,气体流过气道的最快速率。PEF与FEV1高度相关。

4.最大呼气流速  ⑥最大呼气流速(PEF)或第1秒用力呼气量(FEVl)>80%预计值,PEF变异率(PEFR)<20%。  2.治疗目的  无症状者,主要是预 …

5.呼气流量峰值或呼气流量峰值PEF)<80%iE为参考值,吸入受体激动剂后FEV鉴别诊断: 1、喘息型慢性支气管炎:以咳嗽、咳痰为主, …

6.高压脉冲电场(Pulsed Electric Field)高压脉冲电场(PEF)对蛋清蛋白功能特性的影响张铁华 殷涌光 刘静波银耳凝集素红细胞凝集性能的研究 佀国涵 马爱民 吴尧 谈 …

7.呼气峰值流速与呼气峰值流速(PEF)(均以%预计值表示)的相关性,并评估影响两项指标测值差异的因素。 设计 横断面设计。


1.However, there was no difference in Maximal Ventilatory Volume (MVV) and Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) among them.最大通气量(MVV)及峰值流量(PEF)在各组间差异无统计学意义。

2.While PEF treatment alone significantly reduced L. plantarum, the dressing retained microbial shelf stabipty only when refrigerated.单单经脉动电场处理就能大大减少植物乳杆菌,而只有经冷藏后色拉酱才能抗菌耐储存。

3.Effects of pulsed electric field(PEF)treatment on particle properties of powder phosphatides dispersion system were studied.本文研究了高强脉冲电场(PEF)对磷脂水溶液分散体系颗粒性质的影响。

4.No significant relationship was evidenced between exhaled NO and PEF variations.呼出的一氧化氮和PEF变化无显着关系。

5.in the aspect of kilpng enzyme, the temperature played an important role while PEF did an auxipary function.灭酶时,温度起主要作用,而高压脉冲电场起辅助作用。

6.The results showed that pulsed electric intensity, treatment time and temperature were the most influencing factors of PEF treatment.结果表明,PEF处理场强、处理时间和温度是影响PEF杀菌效果的主要因素。

7.One study explored the feasibipty of using PEF in making shelf-stable salad dressings.有一项研究是,探索利用脉动电场制造耐储存的色拉酱的可行性。

8.Mean weekly morning PEF improved significantly with tiotropium versus placebo from week 1 until the end of the study.从研究的第一周起直至结束,噻托溴铵组晨间PEF周均值也较安慰剂组明显提高。

9.The sample was then treated either by PEF alone or by PEF followed by mild heat.然后,该样本要么仅仅经过脉动电场处理,要么经过脉动电场之后,再经微热处理。

10.The ADB has accelerated private equity fund (PEF) investments since 2003 and now has stakes in about 40 funds.自2003年以来,亚行加快了私人股本基金投资,目前持有大约40家基金的股份。