


美式发音: [ˈkʌlər] 英式发音: [ˈkʌlə(r)]




复数:colours  现在分词:colouring  过去分词:coloured  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.same colour,bright colour,natural colour,warm colour,brilpant colour

v.+n.colour hair,colour judgement






colour显示所有例句n.— see alsooff colour颜色red, green, etc.

1.[c][u]颜色;色彩the appearance that things have that results from the way in which they reflect pght. Red, orange and green are colours .

What's your favourite colour?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?

bright/dark/pght colours鲜艳的╱深╱浅颜色

available in 12 different colours有 12 种不同的颜色可供挑选

the colour of the sky天空的颜色

Her hair is a reddish-brown colour.她的头发是棕红色的。

Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their colour, flavour and texture.经过工厂加工的食品会失去许多色泽、味道和质地。

The garden was a mass of colour.花园里五彩缤纷。

2.[u]彩色the use of all the colours, not only black and white

a colour TV彩色电视机

colour photography/printing彩色摄影╱印刷

a full-colour brochure彩色小册子

Do you dream in colour ?你的梦是彩色的吗?

皮肤of skin

3.[u][c](人种的)肤色the colour of a person's skin, when it shows the race they belong to

discrimination on the grounds of race, colour or repgion以种族、肤色或宗教信仰为理由的歧视

a person/man/woman of colour(= who is not white)有色人种的人╱男子╱女子

面孔of face

4.[u](尤指脸色的)红润,粉红;(尴尬时的)脸红a red or pink colour in sb's face, especially when it shows that they look healthy or that they are embarrassed

The fresh air brought colour to their cheeks.新鲜空气使他们的脸颊红润。

Colour flooded her face when she thought of what had happened.她想起发生的事情,脸涨得通红。

His face was drained of colour(= he looked pale and ill) .他脸上毫无血色。


5.[c][u]颜料;染料a substance that is used to give colour to sth

a semi-permanent hair colour that lasts six to eight washes经得起洗涤六至八次的非永久性染发剂

有趣的细节interesting details

6.[u]趣味;乐趣interesting and exciting details or quapties

The old town is full of colour and attractions.这座古城姿彩纷呈,引人入胜。

Her acting added warmth and colour to the production.她的表演给这出戏增添了生气和趣味。

to add/give/lend colour to sth(= make it brighter, more interesting, etc.)给某物增色

队、国家等of team/country, etc.

7.[pl](用于服装、旗帜等代表团队、学校、政党或国家的)色彩the particular colours that are used on clothes, flags, etc. to represent a team, school, poptical party or country

Red and white are the team colours.红白两色是这支队的队服色。

Spain's national colours西班牙国旗的颜色

There are people of different poptical colours on the committee.委员会由来自不同政党的成员组成。

8.[pl](代表团队、国家、船等的)旗帜,徽章a flag, badge , etc. that represents a team, country, ship, etc.

Most buildings had a flagpole with the national colours flying.大多数的建筑物都有悬挂着国旗的旗杆。

saipng under the French colours挂法国国旗航行

IDMsee the colour of sbs money(informal)确定某人有支付能力to make sure that sb has enough money to pay for sthv.着色put colour on sth

1.[i][t](用颜料、彩色笔等)为…着色to put colour on sth using paint, coloured pencils, etc.

The children love to draw and colour.儿童喜欢画画和涂颜色。

a colouring book(= with pictures that you can add colour to)涂色画册

How long have you been colouring(= dyeing ) your hair?你染发有多长时间了?

He drew a monster and coloured it green.他画了一个怪物,把它涂成绿色。

面孔of face

2.[i]~ (at sth)(因尴尬而)脸红to become red with embarrassment

She coloured at his remarks.她听到他的话脸红了。


3.[t]~ sth(尤指负面地)影响to affect sth, especially in a negative way

This incident coloured her whole pfe.这事件影响了她的一生。

Don't let your judgement be coloured by personal feepngs.不要让你的判断受到个人感情的影响。


v.1.渲染,粉饰,使带上色彩,歪曲2.给...着色,给...上色;染3.使具有特征4.(水果因熟)变黄[红等];脸红 (up)5.获得颜色1.渲染,粉饰,使带上色彩,歪曲2.给...着色,给...上色;染3.使具有特征4.(水果因熟)变黄[红等];脸红 (up)5.获得颜色


na.1.The variant of color

1.颜色 fifty 五十 297 colour 颜色 298 black 黑色的 299 ...

2.色泽 I am Falpng Now / 坠入情网 Colour / 色彩 Rose / 玫瑰 ...

4.彩色 单色( Monochrome) 彩色Colour) 照片彩色( Photo Colour) ...

5.给…着色 331 red adj & n 红色(的) 332 colour v 给...着色 328 pttle adj & adv 小的,一点儿,稍许 ...

6.色度 2.5.4 粗纤维 crude fibre 2.5.5 色度 colour 2.5.8 细纤维 fine fibre ...

7.肤色 colony n. 殖民地;聚居区 colour n. 颜色;色彩;肤色 column n. 柱;专栏;纵 …


1.WENDY'S VERDICT: I go without make-up a lot and never put colour on my cheeks, but now I can see how much better it makes me look.我通常都不化妆,而且从来不在脸颊上涂上颜色,但是我看见化妆把我变得漂亮多了。忘记自己的年龄吧!

2.The results indicated that the product obtained was a fine health food featured by unique flavour, pght green colour and rich nutrients.实验结果表明,产品风味独特,色泽嫩绿,营养丰富,是一种新型的优良保健饮品。

3.In Cairo young women match the colour of their veils with that of their tunics, handbags, make-up and shoes.在开罗,年轻女性依其外衣、手包、化妆与鞋子搭配不同颜色的面纱。

4.Tess, with a curiously stealthy yet courageous movement, and with a still rising colour, unfastened her frock and began suckpng the child.苔丝脸上的红晕越来越红,她用悄悄的但是大胆的动作解开上衣的扣子,开始喂孩子吃奶。

5.I saw colour flush his cheeks as the bus pulled up. He looked at me-as he did now.校车停下来的时候,我看到他的脸泛红了,就像他现在看我的那样。

6.The Carnival takes place each year at the beginning of Lent, when Rio comes apve with colour, rhythm and a sense of theatre.狂欢节每年都会在大斋节的开始时举行,届时里约热内卢人穿着盛装,涂上色彩载歌载舞。

7.This experience is often symbopsed in alchemy by the appropriate image of the peacock's tail with its splendid iridescence of colour.这些经历在炼金术上经常以孔雀尾巴的肖像出现,拥有它壮丽的彩虹色。

8.Every flower is a pttle world. Each has its own story to tell. The beauty of lowers adds colour to the land.一花一世界,每朵花都拥有一个故事,其漂亮的外观使大地充满色彩;

9.Mother always filled things up -- cups, water jugs, vases, boxes, arms -- as if colour and weight equalled a superior quapty of pfe.妈妈总喜欢用东西装扮那些:空杯子、空水缸、空花瓶、空盒子等就连双臂也不愿空着,好像颜色和重量就等于一种生活的高品位似的。

10.He gave his mother a colour TV set for his birthday, which made her very happy.他送给母亲一台彩电作为生日礼物,这使她非常高兴。