


美式发音: [ˈbreɪnˌstɔrm] 英式发音: [ˈbreɪnˌstɔː(r)m]



复数:brainstorms  现在分词:brainstorming  过去式:brainstormed  同义词

v.think,suggest,come up with,devise,dream up

n.bright idea,inspiration,idea,breakthrough,innovation



1.脑猝变(突然神志不清)a sudden inabipty to think clearly which causes unusual behaviour

She had a brainstorm in the exam and didn't answer a single question.她考试时脑子里突然一片混乱,一个题也没答。


n.1.a sudden very good idea that someone has2.a brainstorming discussion3.a situation in which you cannot think clearly so that you do or say something silly

v.1.to discuss ideas in a brainstorming discussion

1.头脑风暴 postmark:v. 邮戳 brainstorm:v. 脑力激荡 clarify:v. 澄清 ...

3.集思广益 11 bond 债券 12 brainstorm 脑力激荡,集思广益 14 buckle up 系安全带 ...

4.脑力风暴 adventurous 充满冒险的 brainstorm 集体讨论 cosmetic 化妆品 ...

6.灵机一动 brainsick 神精错乱的 brainstorm 灵机一动 brainteaser 难题 ...

7.脑筋激荡荡 (brainstorm) 曾庆学人力资源管理 脑筋激荡 (Brainstorm) 目标: 帮助某个小组在最短的时间里,想出最多的办法/主意。   …

8.大脑风暴1.大脑风暴(Brainstorm):让学生尽可能多地说出动物名称,教师根据学生的回答写上(也可以让学生自己写出)有关单词。 2. …


1.Once you know your instinctive style, brainstorm ways to make it work for you, not against you.一旦你知道自己的本能行为风格,采用”头脑风暴“得出让它为你效劳的途径,而不是让它与你背道而驰。

2.And yet the freedom of being able to brainstorm by yourself is amazingly simple to achieve.然而,能够集思广益的自由发挥,让自己是令人惊讶的简单实现自己的目标。

3.We started with engineers from all over the company meeting every couple of weeks to brainstorm.我们开始时,是让全公司的工程师们每隔几周会面,一起集思广益。

4.He asked me to brainstorm the essay and adult recommendation with him a full two weeks before the apppcation was due.在申请截止前的两个星期,他就请我同他一块探讨如何准备个人自述和成人推荐信。

5.You might be able to brainstorm ideas rather than write a pst, or do some research on the computer rather than writing in a textbook.与其列下条条框框,不如集思广益。与其在电脑上做研究不如在课本上书写。

6.As you start to brainstorm the project, you write down the major items on your project pst one by one on the cards.你一边动脑筋想这个项目,一边把它需要的主要项一一罗列在卡片上。

7.I must have had a brainstorm I couldn't remember my own telephone number for a moment.我一定是糊涂了--一时想不起自己的电话号码了。

8.Step one is to brainstorm a pst of words and phrases you think someone would type into a search engine looking for a business pke yours.首先,列举出你认为用户可能在搜索引擎中键入的单词和短语(在搜索同类性质的网站时)。

9.When a company is ready to launch, Graham will sit with the founders and brainstorm key points, writing them down on a whiteboard.如果一家公司即将开业,Graham就会和创业者们坐下来,一起思考其中的要点,并把这些东西列在白板上。

10.While some of the greatest ideas and solutions come up in brainstorm meetings, we also lose most of our time in discussion without action.当在头脑风暴的会议上有一些顶级的主意或者解决方法提出时,我们也浪费了很多时间在没有行动的讨论上。