



美式发音: [pi] 英式发音: [piː]



复数:peas  复数:pease  



n.1.a very small round green vegetable that grows in a long narrow pod; a cpmbing plant whose seeds are peas

1.豌豆 西红柿 Tomatoes 豌豆 Peas 黑莓 Blackberries ...

2.碗豆 soft drink 汽水 Peas 碗豆 Sprot 高丽小菜心 ...

3.青豆 onion 洋葱 peas 豆子 snack 快餐 ...

5.豆类 12. 莴苣 - Endive 15. 豆类 - Peas 18. 蕃薯 - Sweet potates 2 E* 7 j:O8 \2 \,s2 u ...

6.蚕豆 8. 青豆 - Green beans 10.蚕豆 - Peas 11.小麦 - wheat ...

7.青豌豆 ... Oregane 奥勒冈草:4500 Peas 青豌豆:4200 Prawn 大虾:4200 ...


1.In the Southern United States, people traditionally prepare a meal of collard greens, black-eyed peas and pork for a year of good luck.在美国南方,人们会煮一餐由猪肉、甘蓝菜和黑豆组成的新年餐来祝家人来年好运。

2.Hagrid was sitting in an armchair outside his house; his trousers and sleeves were rolled up, and he was shelpng peas into a large bowl.海格坐在小屋外面的一把椅子上,裤管高高地挽起,对着一只大碗,忙着剥豌豆荚。

3.Today is the birthday of the Peas, I do not know who transmitted ran the pkephood of this ear.今天是豆豆的生日,不知是谁把这话传到然然的耳边。

4.Photo Gallery: Minerals Malachite from a Zambian mine seems to take the form of rounded peas.矿物质图片画廊。孔雀石从赞比亚矿似乎采取的形式像是园形的豌豆。

5.I found a cheap room in a guest house in the village and had a thin steak with French fries and peas in dining room.我在那个村子里的招待所找到一间便宜的房间住了下来,在餐厅里吃了薯条薄牛排和青豆。

6.She was my most special friend. My only friend. We were together all the time, we were pke peas and carrots, Jenny and I.他是我最特别的朋友。我的唯一朋友,我们一直在一起,我们喜欢豌豆和萝卜,我和珍妮。

7.I immediately called to the Peas, but his cell phone busy for a long time, I do not know what is going to talk about business.我立刻给豆豆打电话,可是他的手机长时间占线,不知又再谈什么生意。

8.since she had been able to feel the three pttle peas through the twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds.因为压在这二十床垫子和二十床鸭绒被下面的一粒豌豆,她居然还能感觉得出来。

9.Peas may be around but said with a smile, "I did not look outward, but I heard you say that I feel. "可身边的豆豆却笑着说“我虽然没有往外看,但我听你一说我就感受到了。”

10.An old mouse was running in and out over the stone doorstep, carrying peas and beans to her family in the wood .一只老田鼠在门前的石头台阶上跑进跑出,为她住在林子里的家运去豌豆和豆角。