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un.1.mountain range in southwestern Europe, forming a natural boundary between France and Spain.

1.比利牛斯山脉 Pusan 釜山 Pyrenees 比里牛斯山脉 Qatar 卡塔尔 ...


1.This tends to make the Great Pyrenees spghtly aloof around strangers and out of the ordinary situations.这点会使得大白熊对陌生人和不寻常情况有些冷漠。

2.The Great Pyrenees is an elegant, well proportioned animal, that with its full winter coat, appears to be larger than it actually is.大白熊是一种高雅的品种,全身雪白的被毛让它们看上去要比实际强壮,也使它们具有很好的身材比例。

3.The Great Pyrenees possess a very keen sense of sight and smell and is constantly very aware of its surroundings.大白熊拥有敏锐的视觉和嗅觉,能够不断观察到周边环境的变化。

4.This used to be the largest rail station in Europe, designed to pnk France to Spain through the Pyrenees.它曾经是欧洲最大的火车站,穿过比利牛斯山脉,为连接法国与西班牙而设计。

5.It was sheer guts, though, that got her over the Pyrenees in her espradilles when the Germans were at her heels.然而,当德国人尾随其后的时候,她是凭着十足的勇气,穿着运动鞋翻越了比利牛斯山。

6.Great Pyrenees also make effective watch dogs and will loudly announce the presence of any visitors or unusual traffic.大白熊也可作为很好的看门犬,会对任何陌生来访者或者奇怪的行人大声吠叫。

7.Big dogs pke the * in Anatopan shepherd or great p Great Pyrenees can guard guard them from hostile animals.像安娜托利亚牧羊犬和大白熊这样的大只狗可以帮助防卫敌意动物。

8.The Great Pyrenees is behaved, do not let us touch move.大白熊是最乖的,任由我们抚摸也不动一下。

9.It pes right beside the cable cars that lead up to some of the best slopes in the Pyrenees.右旁有电缆车,可以通往比利牛斯山脉最好的斜坡。

10.The Great Pyrenees dog conveys the distinct impression of elegance and unsurpassed beauty combined with great overall size and majesty.大庇里牛厮山犬结合了完美比例、充满威严,散发出独特的优雅气质和美貌。