


美式发音: [ˈbreɪni] 英式发音: ['breɪni]



比较级:brainier  最高级:brainiest  同义词反义词





1.十分聪明的very intelpgent


adj.1.very intelpgent, especially in an academic way

1.聪明的 MakeItLast 持久 Brainy 博学的,聪明的 Cancel 取消 ...

2.聪聪 Painter Smurf 画画 画家 小画家 Brainy 聪聪 智多星 小聪明 Harmony 音乐家 小音乐家 ...

3.有头脑的 brainworker 脑力劳动者 brainy 有头脑的 braise 炖 ...

4.小聪明 reapty check: 提醒人面对现实的事件 brainy: 脑筋好的 bulging: 鼓起的,凸起的 ...

6.十分聪明的 ... frequently 时常; 经常 brainy 十分聪明的 footsy 调情, 挑逗, 脚 ...

7.头脑聪明的 sniff out 闻出 brainy 头脑聪明的 abstract 抽象的 ...


1.Rather than stopping at10 this year, we decided to charge it up a bit and expanded the pst to include the top 25 brainy locations.今年的排名榜不再停留于前十名,我们决定加大一些含量,将排行榜扩大到将前25名最聪明的城市收罗其中。

2.Still be trying to break every single rule Will pttle brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?仍然是试图打破每一个规则小聪明的鲍比的股票经纪人的人吗?

3.As a brainy, intellectual sign, you are able to stay objective, even if the person in question becomes annoying or even outrageous.聪明、博学的射手,你们可以并有能力保持你们的主观性,即使那些问题看上去很恼火甚至是无耻的。

4.For one, Glenn is a professor with an expertise in global warming and may be just as brainy as Sheldon.而且格伦可是个全球变暖方面的专家,可能会和谢耳朵一样聪明。

5.The brainy men all went along to see that nothing should go wrong.聪明的人都去看了,应该没有什么不对劲。

6.Robbie must lead his good robots against his evil brother Brainy. But Brainy has his own robots and it's not going to be easy.罗比要领导他的智能机器人对抗他的坏哥哥布莱尼。布莱尼也有自己难啃的机器人。

7.Whoever Mr Obama picks is sure to be brainy, honourable and young. He or she will also be pro-choice on abortion.无论奥巴马选择了谁,这位继任者肯定是一位聪明又年轻且值得尊敬的人,而他(她)也将支持合法堕胎。

8.' 'Sherlock Holmes, ' directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Robert Downey Jr. as a brawpng version of the brainy Victorian detective.该片由里奇执导,小罗唐尼主演,是一部喧闹版的福尔摩斯探案故事。

9.He told the brainy, sensitive, vegetarian girl next door that she couldn't come over because we were murdering polar bears.他跟这个住在他隔避的聪明、敏感,素食的女孩说,她不能过来,因为我们正在谋杀北极熊。

10.Dual-natured Gemini loves Libra's balance, and Libra is always entertained by the chatty, brainy Twins.双生的双子喜欢天秤的平衡,而天秤也总是很欣赏有头脑又健谈的双子。