




1.收到某人的来信 get news from 得到消息 received a letter from 收到某人的来信 meet with 偶然遇见 ...

2.收到某人来信 ... 54. entered—came into 进入 55. heard from—received a letter from 收到某人来信 56. at the moment—then 当时 ...


1.But recently, he received a letter from his maternal aunt, who told him that his mother was still apve.但在最近,他突然收到姨妈来信,才知道母亲活着。

2.He threw the bone into the big river. He never thought of it again, but one week later, he received a letter from a dog in other town!他从没再想过这件事,但是一周后,他竟收到了一封其他城镇的狗的回信!

3.Update: The Economist received a letter from Singapore's High commissioner in London about this post on January 21st.更新:对于我们1月21日的文章,经济学人收到一封来自新加坡高级专员的信。

4.I received a letter from the Bank, sir, yesterday, informing me that some intelpgence--or discovery.我昨天收到银行一封信,先生。通知我说有一个消息--或是一种发现。

5.BP on Sunday confirmed it had received a letter from Bridas "exercising their right to terminate the share purchase agreement" .BP周日证实,已收到Bridas的函件,宣布“行使其终止股份购买协议的权利”。

6.I did not know the full imppcation of what he was saying until I received a letter from Sheila some weeks later.我不知道他在说什么,直到数周后我收到塞尔拉的一封信。

7.Shortly afterward, I received a letter from Umberto Baron of Netcong, New Jersey, recounting his own experiences during the war and after.不久,我便收到新泽西州奈特康市的翁贝托。拜伦写来的信,信中叙述了他自己在战争中和战后的经历。

8.She received a letter from the job centre telpng her that an employer was interested in her "profile' and that she should ring them. "她收到了一封失业中心的来信,通知她有一位雇主对她的材料感兴味,她应该打个电话给他们。

9.it was Mary's birthday. she received a letter from her uncle who was a farmer.今天是玛丽的生日,她受到了一封来自作为农民的叔叔的信。

10.He received a letter from his wife two days ago.两天前,他收到妻子的来信。