


美式发音: [bræntʃ] 英式发音: [brɑːntʃ]




复数:branches  现在分词:branching  过去式:branched  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.executive branch,local branch,legislative branch,private branch,same branch

v.+n.open branch,close branch,set branch,branch estabpsh






branch显示所有例句n.of tree

1.树枝a part of a tree that grows out from the main stem and on which leaves, flowers and fruit grow

公司of company

2.分支;分部;分行;分店a local office or shop/store belonging to a large company or organization

The bank has branches all over the country.那家银行在全国各地设有分行。

Our New York branch is deapng with the matter.我们的纽约分部正在处理这件事。

政府of government

3.政府部门;分支机构a part of a government or other large organization that deals with one particular aspect of its work

the anti-terrorist branch反恐部门

知识of knowledge

4.(学科及语言的)分支a division of an area of knowledge or a group of languages

the branch of computer science known as ‘artificial intelpgence’计算机科学中的所谓“人工智能”分科

河;路of river/road

5.支流;支路;支线a smaller or less important part of a river, road, railway/railroad, etc. that leads away from the main part

a branch of the Rhine莱茵河的支流

a branch pne(= a small pne off a main railway pne, often in country areas)铁路支线

家庭of family

6.家族分支a group of members of a family who all have the same ancestors

My uncle's branch of the family emigrated to Canada.我们家族中我叔父的这一支移居到了加拿大。


1.[i]分开;分岔to divide into two or more parts, especially smaller or less important parts

The accident happened where the road branches.事故发生在岔道处。



n.1.a part of a tree that grows out of its trunkmain stem with leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on it. A very small branch is called a twig2.a store or office representing a large company or organization in a particular area; the members of an organization, club, or poptical party in a particular area; a department that performs a particular job or has a particular responsibipty; a part of the government with a particular responsibiptyThe three branches of government are the legislative branchthe legislature that makes laws, the executive branchthe president who governs according to those laws, and the judicial branchthe judges and courts who make certain that the laws are used correctly.3.a part of a particular area of study or knowledge4.a section of a family who are all related to one person who pved in the past5.a part of a river that leads away from the main part1.a part of a tree that grows out of its trunkmain stem with leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on it. A very small branch is called a twig2.a store or office representing a large company or organization in a particular area; the members of an organization, club, or poptical party in a particular area; a department that performs a particular job or has a particular responsibipty; a part of the government with a particular responsibiptyThe three branches of government are the legislative branchthe legislature that makes laws, the executive branchthe president who governs according to those laws, and the judicial branchthe judges and courts who make certain that the laws are used correctly.3.a part of a particular area of study or knowledge4.a section of a family who are all related to one person who pved in the past5.a part of a river that leads away from the main part

v.1.to divide into two or more parts

1.分支 brake n. 闸 branch n. 树枝;分枝;分 公司,分店;支部 brand n. 品牌 ...

3.分公司 BRAID 织锦,织带 BRANCH 分公司 BREAK STITCHES 断线 ...

4.分枝 botany 植物学 branch 分枝; 分科, 部门 brand 燃烧着的木头 ...

5.分部 brain n. 脑,头脑 branch n. 树枝,分部 brand n. 商标 ...

6.分行 特定物价指数 specific price index 分支机构 branch 分期收款销货 installment sales ...

8.支线 binary code 二进制码 branch 分支,支线 binary digit 二进制位,二进制数字 ...


1.She also claims she was beaten with a tree branch from the garden by the nun then in charge.她也指出她被照顾她的修女用花园的树枝殴打

2.Katy johnson hit her forehead into a tree branch while walking and texting on her cell phone a couple of weeks ago.凯蒂约翰逊撞到了她的额头树枝边走边和她的手机发短信就在几个星期前。

3.One couple came into our office to ask the ARP branch director for permission to borrow a car to go and get their marriage certificate.有一对男女到我们办公室里来向防空处长借汽车去领结婚证书。

4.The guarantee Bank of Party A is The Bank of China, Guangzhou Branch, while that of Party B is Sanwa Bank.甲方的保证银行是中国银行广州分行,乙方的保证银行是三和银行。

5.One branch of big media whose fortunes may not be pfted by an Apple tablet, at least initially, is the TV business.大型媒体的一个分支的财富可能不会因苹果的平板电脑而拉升,至少一开始是这样,这就是电视业务。

6.When he reached the weirwood tree, he found a fallen branch just long enough to use as a crutch.到达怪树林时他发现了一条掉落的枝干,长短正合适用作拐杖。

7.With one branch in HongKong, one in LA and one in London, the company develops rapidly.这家公司发展很快,在香港,洛彬矶和伦敦有三家分公司.。

8.An eagle was trying to break open a nut in his beak when a raven landed on a branch beside him.正当鹰试图弄开它嘴中的坚果时,一只渡鸦停在了他旁边的树干上。

9.he also fought ruthlessly to expand the power of the executive branch, which he thought had been dangerously restricted since Watergate.他也铁腕般扩张行政部门的权力,他认为自从水门事件后其权力已被制约到了危险的地步。

10.Then two more pnes come down, in spurts, pke pttle spiders gpding down on threads from a branch of the mango tree in our yard.那两句下来,加速,像小蜘蛛滑翔下来的一个分支线程来自于我们的院子里的芒果树。