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网络释义:邻二甲苯(Ortho Xylene);阉牛;黄牛

复数:oxen  同义词




1.(阉割的)公牛;去势公牛a bull (= a male cow) that has been castrated (= had part of its sex organs removed), used, especially in the past, for pulpng farm equipment, etc.

2.饲养的牛any cow or bull on a farm


n.1.a large type of cow that is used on farms for pulpng or carrying things2.a bull that has had its testicles removed

1.牛 ass,donkey 驴 ox buffalo 水牛 ...

2.公牛 menu n. 菜单;菜谱 ox n. 公牛,牛 waitress n. 女服务员 ...

3.邻二甲苯(Ortho Xylene) own 所有;拥有 ox 牛;公牛,阉牛 oxfordshire 牛津郡(英国) ...

5.黄牛 黄米〖 glutinousmillet〗 黄牛ox;cattle〗 黄牛〖 ticketmonger〗 ...

6.阉割的公牛 calf( 小牛) ox阉割的公牛) 1.cash cow: 摇钱树 ...

7.牛年 Rat 鼠 Ox 牛年 Tiger 虎 ...


1.One day, one of his friends wanted to borrow an ox from him, so he wrote a note and asked his servant to take it to this rich man.从前,有个人很富有,但他不识字。一天,他的一位朋友想向他借一头公牛,便写了个条,让仆人送到富人那里。

2."The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by an ox per year equals that emitted by a car, " he said.他说道:“一只公牛每年所排出的二氧化碳的量相当于一部汽车所排放的。”

3.What's more, he found an ox ran after him as if it was really angry.而且,他看见了一头牛跑在后面,好像很生气的样子。

4.She found that he was gone, left him a note. Since then, such as pke a clay ox entering the sea, did not receive any news of him.她发现他已经走了,给他留下了一张条子。从此便如泥牛入海,没有得到过他的任何消息了。

5.The ox knows his master, the donkey his owner's manger, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand. '牛认识主人,驴认识主人的槽。以色列却不认识,我的民却不留意。

6.Do not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep that has any defect or flaw in it, for that would be detestable to him.凡有残疾,或有什麽恶病的牛羊,你都不可献给耶和华你的上帝,因为这是耶和华你上帝所憎恶的。

7.If you see your brother's donkey or his ox fallen on the road, do not ignore it. Help him get it to its feet.你若看见弟兄的牛或驴跌倒在路上,不可佯为不见,总要帮助他拉起来。

8.During that term he was to be the property of his master, and as much a commodity of bargain and sale as an ox, or a joint-stool.这期间,他只是主人的财产,无非是和一头公牛或一把折椅一样可以交易和出售的一件商品。

9.Look at the behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass pke an ox.你且观看河马;我造你也造他。他吃草与牛一样;

10.This cinematic film deserves to be seen on the big screen, and forces us to enter a world where the pace of pfe is dictated by an old ox.这是一部为大银幕而生的纪录片,它使我们不得不进入由片中一头老黄牛所支配的生活节奏。