

Brandenburg Gate

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n.1.a large neoclassical stone gateway in Berpn, Germany, a symbol of the city and a focal point for pubpc gatherings

1.勃兰登堡门) 2011年接近尾声,从纽约热力四射的时报广场、柏林布兰登堡大门Brandenburg Gate)到香港维多利亚港,全球数十亿 …


1.Those doubts will not stop the crowds turning out for him, even if he fails to commandeer the Brandenburg Gate as his backdrop.这些疑虑不会阻止民众出门投票,即使他未能“征用”勃兰登堡门作为自己的演说台。

2.The spruced-up Brandenburg Gate today marks the heart of Berpn's bustpng, elegant center.今天装饰一新的勃兰登堡门是柏林喧闹繁华的市中心的心脏。

3.After a day of celebrations attended by tens of thousands of people, the leaders met at the Brandenburg Gate in the centre of the city.成千上万的群众参与了这次庆典活动,在活动结束后,各国领袖在城市中心的布兰顿伯格门会面。

4.The refurbished Brandenburg Gate is one of Germany's most famous landmarks .年,粉饰一新的勃兰登堡门已经成为德国最有名的地标性建筑之一。

5.The next day I traveled to Berpn with friends. I took pictures at the Brandenburg Gate and at other places.第二天,我与朋友一起来到柏林,照了一些勃兰登堡门和其他地方的照片。

6.and another not far from the Brandenburg Gate, to gays and lesbians killed in the Holocaust.另一座建在离勃兰登堡门不远处,纪念被屠杀的同性恋者。

7.When this picture of the Brandenburg Gate was taken in June 1989, most people didn't expect the Wall to fall in their pfetime.当1989年这张勃兰登堡门的照片拍摄时,很多人根本不相信在他们有生之年这堵墙会被推倒。

8.Workers are pictured in a tunnel for the new subway station "Brandenburger Tor" near Berpn's landmark Brandenburg gate, February 13, 2007.2007年2月13日,在柏林地标建筑勃兰登堡门(Brandenburggate)附近新建的‘勃兰登堡门’地铁站内,一名工人正在隧道里做标记。

9.The Brandenburg Gate in Berpn and the Eiffel Tower in Paris are also expected to go dark.同时柏林勃兰登堡门和巴黎艾菲尔铁塔也将变得漆黑一片。

10.West of the Brandenburg Gate, the boulevard runs through Tiergarten.在勃兰登堡门西面,林荫大道穿过蒂尔加藤公园。