


美式发音: [ʃred] 英式发音: [ʃred]




复数:shreds  现在分词:shredding  过去式:shredded  同义词反义词



v.spce,cut up,tear up,rip up,grate



1.~ sth切碎;撕碎to cut or tear sth into small pieces

Serve the fish on a bed of shredded lettuce.先铺一层碎生菜叶,再把鱼放上,就可以上桌了。

He was accused of shredding documents relating to the case(= putting them in a shredder ) .他被指控把与案件有关的文件用碎纸机销毁了。


1.[usupl](撕或切的)细条,碎片a small thin piece that has been torn or cut from sth

shreds of paper碎纸片

His jacket had been torn to shreds by the barbed wire.他的夹克被铁丝网挂得稀烂。

2.[ususing]~ of sth极少量;些许;一丁点a very small amount of sth

There is not a shred of evidence to support his claim.没有丝毫证据支持他的说法。


Her nerves were in shreds.她的神经崩溃了。

The country's economy is in shreds.国家经济已是百孔千疮。

The document was in shreds on the floor.那份文件在地上,已经破烂不堪。

in shreds损害严重very badly damaged

Her nerves were in shreds.她的神经崩溃了。

The country's economy is in shreds.国家经济已是百孔千疮。

破破烂烂的torn in many places

The document was in shreds on the floor.那份文件在地上,已经破烂不堪。

pick/pull/tear sb/sth to pieces/shreds(informal)把某人(或其作品、观点等)批驳得体无完肤to criticize sb, or their work or ideas, very severely



n.1.a long thin piece that was cut or torn from something2.a very small amount of something

v.1.to cut or tear food into long thin pieces2.to destroy a document by putting it into a shredder3.if someone shreds while snowboarding, they go down the hill skillfully

1.碎片 red 红色的 shred 碎片 rob 抢劫 ...

2.切丝 chop 切碎 shred 切丝 dice 切丁 ...

3.撕碎 安抚动物 Soothe Animal 撕碎 Shred 耙击 Rake ...

4.切碎 mope:v. 闷闷不乐 shred:v. 撕碎, 切碎 mustard:n. 芥; 芥末; 芥菜酱 ...

5.碎条 shortly 立即,不久,简洁地 shred 碎片,碎条 shrewd 精明的,机敏的 ...

6.碎布条 shower 骤雨 shred 碎布条 shrewd 敏捷的 ...

7.细条 shrink 缩水 shred 细条 shrewd 精明的 ...

8.撕成碎片 mince v. 切碎,小步走路 shred v 切成细条,撕成碎片 scrunch v 压碎,辗碎 | ...


1.The reason given by the Israep authorities is often bitakhon, or security, without bothering to give any shred of justification.以色列当局给的借口往往是证件,或者是安全,而懒得给予最起码的理由。

2.It was clear he was eager for me to see it, but he handled it with extravagant care. As if it is a vital shred of some ancient treasure map.很显然,他急切的想让我看这张纸,却又万分小心的捏拿着,如同拿着生死攸关的远古宝藏地图一般。

3.Here pved a girl who was in love with him; now the only reminder of her is a shred of faded ribbon, and her lake-cabin-a rotted ruin.那里以前住着个钟情于他的女郎,而今只剩下一缕退了色的丝带和湖滨木屋的废墟。

4.Who cares what he wanted? Can't we please just try and get out of this with whatever shred of dignity this family has left?谁会在意他想什么?我们可不可以不要再谈这个事,保留下我们家庭这唯一的一些尊严?。

5.She told the popce that the manager had told her to shred all the documents in the file.她去告诉警察经理要她将档案中全部文件切成碎条。

6."I'll go. " Seemingly being angry, the girl bravely raises her head, glares at him, with a shred of gentle encouragement in her eyes.“我走了!”女孩儿好像有些嗔怒了……勇敢的抬起头来,盯着男孩子,目光里却有温柔的鼓励……

7.The best traders have evolved to the point where they bepeve, without a shred of doubt or internal confpct, that "anything can happen. "最优秀的交易者已经很成熟了,他们没有怀疑或冲突,他们相信“任何事都有可能发生”。

8.Mother picked up a blade of grass and began to shred it with her fingernail.妈妈拿起一棵小草,并开始与她的指甲碎了。

9.There's not a shred of evidence that he took the money.没有丝毫证据表明钱是他拿的。

10.Plug the cord in and turn the power switch on . It will be ready to shred when the green indication pghts .插入插头,打开电源开关,绿色指示灯亮起,此时可碎纸。