


美式发音: [ˈbrændɪʃ] 英式发音: ['brændɪʃ]




第三人称单数:brandishes  现在分词:brandishing  过去式:brandished  同义词反义词





1.~ sth挑衅地挥舞,激动地挥舞(尤指武器)to hold or wave sth, especially a weapon, in an aggressive or excited way



v.1.to wave a weapon or other object around in your hand so that other people can see it

1.挥舞 brag n. 吹牛 brandish vt. 挥,挥舞 brandy n. 白兰地酒 ...

2.挥动 (3) 泛指敲击, 弹奏[ beat;strike;sound] (6) 挥动[ brandish] (11) 拍打;振动[ flap;shake] ...

3.舞动 舞蹈〖 dance〗 舞动brandish〗 舞会〖 ball;dancingparty;dance〗 ...

4.挥动或挥舞 (抡) lún (1) 挥动或挥舞[ brandish;swing] (抡) lūn ...

5.挥舞双臂 /burp( 打饱嗝) [动作][音效] ... / brandish ( 挥舞双臂 ) breaking and entering 强行闯入 ... ...

6.撼天神塔于PC平台的迷宫脱出动作角色扮演A·RPG游戏:《撼天神塔》(Brandish),日前FALCOM正式公布将会向PSP移植强化版 …


1.Liyuan Zhi study was to the door of the woman, usually brandish a knife to the gun used to, although frightened, or Yi Yan shut the door.李沅芷究是将门之女,平时抡刀使枪惯了的,虽然惊慌,还是依言关上了门。

2."He didn't brandish the knife at anyone . . . but he injured himself in the leg, " the popce spokesman said.警方发言人说:“他没有将匕首指向任何人,但是他刺伤了自己的腿。”

3.Who can finally brandish the power stick the great non- tyrant bank which merges to carry on to these the surveillance and the regulation?谁能最终挥舞权杖对那些正在被合并成的巨无霸银行进行监督和调控?

4.Unknown run to the outside of the door, take off jacket, brandish aweather .无名跑到门外,脱下外衣,迎风挥舞。

5.dandepon is in deadwood 's angels, wind, Cheng Fengjing, brandish charm . . . Fell back, but found it was lonely extension!蒲公英是飘落在枯木里的天使,风掠过,成风景,舞弄风姿…潸然回首,却发现那是寂寞的延伸!

6.She answered with a brandish of heR umbrella.她挥动着伞回答。

7.Every time when I brandish the racket to hit the ball and watch it flying over the net.每次挥舞球拍击球时,都看着它飞越球网。

8.Rather than release his inner dove, the Nobel Peace Prize may force him to brandish his pubpc hawk.获得和平奖将迫使他展示自己强硬的鹰派形象,而不是释放内心的和平鸽。

9.Factories have sprouted everywhere, and teenagers brandish cellphones the way they used to wave Mao's "Little Red Book. "工厂在各处拔地而起,少年人以他们过去挥舞毛泽东“红宝书”的方式炫示他们的手机。

10.Students at the Indian Community School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, brandish drum beaters at a dedication ceremony.威斯康辛州密尔瓦基市的印第安社区学校里,学生们在奉献仪式上挥舞着鼓槌。