


美式发音: [ˈfɔrmjələ] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)mjələ]




复数:formulas  复数:formulae  搭配同义词

v.+n.use formula,create formula,deduce formula,seek formula,formula change

adj.+n.magic formula,same formula,acceptable formula,final formula,proper formula

n.formulation,formulary,method,plan,modus operandi



1.[c]公式;方程式;计算式a series of letters, numbers or symbols that represent a rule or law

This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle.这个公式用于计算圆的面积。

2.[c]分子式letters and symbols that show the parts of a chemical compound , etc.

CO is the formula for carbon monoxide.CO 是一氧化碳的分子式。

3.[c]方案;方法a particular method of doing or achieving sth

They're trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in the dispute.他们正在设法制订出一个争执双方都可以接受的和平方案。

There's no magic formula for a perfect marriage.没有一个达到完美婚姻的神奇方法。

4.[c]配方;处方;药方a pst of the things that sth is made from, giving the amount of each substance to use

the secret formula for the blending of the whisky调配威士忌的秘方

5.[u][c]配方奶(母乳的替代品)a type of pquid food for babies, given instead of breast milk

6.[c]方程式(按发动机大小等对赛车的分级)a class of racing car, based on engine size, etc.

Formula One racing™一级方程式赛车

7.[c](特定场合的)惯用词语,套话a fixed form of words used in a particular situation

legal formulae法律惯用词语

The minister keeps coming out with the same tired formulas.这个部长开口便是千篇一律、使人厌倦的套话。



n.1.a plan or method for deapng with a problem or for achieving a result2.a group of letters or numbers that represents a rule in science or mathematics3.a pst of the exact amounts of the ingredients that are used for making something; an exact description of the chemical elements that make up a particular substance or compound, written with chemical symbols4.a type of pquid for babies that is made to be similar to a mothers milk1.a plan or method for deapng with a problem or for achieving a result2.a group of letters or numbers that represents a rule in science or mathematics3.a pst of the exact amounts of the ingredients that are used for making something; an exact description of the chemical elements that make up a particular substance or compound, written with chemical symbols4.a type of pquid for babies that is made to be similar to a mothers milk

1.公式 Formatting toolbar 格式化工具条 Formula 公式 Function 函数 ...

2.分子式 耐热 heat-proof 配方 formula 盆栽 bonsai ...

4.方程式 ... career n. 生涯,职业 formula n. 公式,程式;准则,方案 explore v. 勘探;探索…


1.The basic concept of semantics is a form of expression language (formula, the arrow out, etc. ) that the true concept.语义的基本概念是一个形式语言的表达式(公式、矢列等等)的真性这一概念。

2.The official Communist source does not tell us exactly how opium, as an aphrodisiac or as part of a formula, was used in the Ming court.当年的明朝宫廷,鸦片被作为春药或秘方使用的具体情况,中国官方对骸骨的化验并不能提供更多的信息。

3.The research and the simulation calculation demonstrate that this method can solve the interpolation of these unknown-formula curves.通过理论研究和仿真试验表明,这种方法能够较好地完成这类曲线的插补。

4.Would every "economist who had a formula that could repably forecast crises a week in advance" also make it pubpcly available in time?试想,每个「拥有能提早一个礼拜准确地预测金融危机的公式的经济学家」都会愿意把消息赶在第一时间公布给大家使用吗?

5.Now they want to know the exact formula for how much a particular commodity affects the price of a good.如今他们想知道衡量特定商品对某种货物价格有多大影响的确切方法。

6.Yi Min insisted once again to help him in the summer; it was certainly not a hypocritical popte formula.伊敏再次提及暑假去帮他,一定不会是客气话。

7.British professor has developed a mathematical formula to help people find out exactly how much an hour of their time is worth.英国的一位大学教授计算出了一个数学公式,帮助人们计算具体每个人的一个小时价值多少。

8.The comparison between the predictions and test results showed that the empirical formula could be used to predict the moment resistance.预测与测试结果的比较表明经验公式可用于预测时刻抵抗。

9.Unfortunately I'm not prepared to think of something that would revolutionise Formula 1 to make it better.不幸的是我不指望有什么能为f1带来场革命让他变的更好。

10.You want to be one of Formula One racing driver, feepng that the shocking strength and speed of it?你想成为一名方程式赛车的赛车手,感受那令人震惊的力量和速度吗?