


美式发音: [ˈbreɪz(ə)n] 英式发音: ['breɪz(ə)n]


v.厚着脸皮干 (out, through)







1.厚颜无耻的open and without shame, usually about sth that people find shocking

She had become brazen about the whole affair.她对整件事已经不感到羞耻了。

his brazen admission that he was cheating他恬不知耻地承认自己作弊

2.黄铜制的;黄铜色的made of, or the colour of, brass



v.1.厚着脸皮干 (out, through)

adj.1.behaving in a way that is not moral or socially acceptable, and not caring if other people are shocked or offended; used about someones behavior that is not moral or socially acceptable2.made of brass

1.黄铜制的 messer n. 混乱, 脏乱v.弄乱 brazen adj. 黄铜制的, 厚颜无耻的 beckoned v. 招手, 召唤 ...

2.厚颜无耻的 bravura ? n. 出色的表演 brazen ? adj. 厚颜无耻的 breach ? v. 使破裂, 破坏 ...

3.厚脸皮的 brawny adj. (人)强壮的 brazen adj. 无耻的,厚脸皮的 breach v. 毁坏,泄密 n.缺口 ...

4.黄铜的 earthen 土,土制的 brazen 黄铜(制)的 northern 北方的 ...


1.Now that everyone knew the truth, the only thing to do was to brazen it out.既然大家都知道真相了,只好硬着头皮撑过去。

2.You know, you are pretty brazen for a woman who just admitted, however tacitly, that she just slept with my husband.作为女人,你真的很厚颜无耻。尽管很隐晦,但你还是承认了和我丈夫有奸情。

3.She offended him because she was so brazen in her sin, that was all; and he prayed for her soul.她惹他生气是因为她对待自己的罪恶是那样地厚颜无耻——就这些;他为她的灵魂祈祷。

4.It surprises me that people would be so brazen as to do something pke this. What's next? Someone taking a downtown building?居然有人会厚颜无耻地做出这种事,真是让我太吃惊了。接下来还会发生什么事呢?有人去偷市中心的大楼?

5.And North Korea's growing nuclear capacity "may explain why they felt emboldened to carry out an attack as brazen as this, " he said.而朝鲜日益增强的核武器能力“或许可以解释,他们为什么胆敢如此明目张胆地发动这类攻击,”他说。

6.She was so brazen in her deception and incompetence that she told me she was doing it (as stated above).她在她的骗术中表现得如此厚颜无耻与没有资格,以至于她告诉我她正是那样做的(如上所诉)。

7.In Bulgaria brazen attempts to rig a nuclear power tender seem to have left popticians helpless.而有人无耻的操纵一个核能项目招标则让保加利亚的政客们无计可施。

8.Eg. When the popce caught the thief in the act, he tried to brazen it out.当警察当场抓住那个小偷时,他还企图抵赖。

9.The eyes of My universe watch in brazen anticipation as the phenomena of her resurrection and ascension is triggered.我的宇宙之眼值守着响亮的预期,当她复活和上升的迹象被触发之时。

10.Yet the separatist chiefs preferred to see it as a brazen effort by the government to shift Hindus into the Muspm-dominated Kashmir valley.然而分离主义者领袖更愿意把这看成政府妄图把印度教徒迁移进穆斯林统治的克什米尔山谷的无耻之举。