




1.违反规则 break the record 打破纪录 break the rules 违反规则 break up 分解 ...

2.违反规章制度 ... school rules 学校规章制度 break the rules 违反规章制度 in the hallways 在过道 ...

3.破坏规则 Never mind. 别担心。 Break the rules. 破坏规则。 Watch you mouth. 注意言辞。 ...

4.违反规定 break a window 打破窗户 break the rules 违反规定 break a bad habit 改掉坏习惯 ...

5.打破规矩 take out 取出,把...带出去 break the rules 打破规矩 get a fine 处以罚款 ...

6.打破常规 salted prawns 盐炬虾 break the rules 犯规 break the rules at school 违反校规。 ...


1.In addition, he said he would boost penalties on companies that break the rules.此外,他表示将严惩触犯规定的公司。

2.in some of China's enterprises, usually want not to break the rules of the company of clothing are not too stringent requirements.在中国的一些企业中,一般情况下只要不违法公司的规章制度,对服装都是没有太过苛刻的要求的。

3.The Dark Lord's concept of ultimate power is to break the rules of the universe.黑魔头对于终极力量的概念是打破宇宙的规则。

4.The minister said he would still support him, as long as they didn't break the rules.这位部长说,只要他们遵守规则,他仍然会支持他们的。

5.You can break the rules, so long as you know which rules you're breaking.惯例并不是墨守成规的,但只有在你清楚的情况下才可以试图打破惯例。

6.Becomes the legend need to break the rules. Must have courage into the hero. The mountain peak just is only the beginning.成为传奇就要打破规则,要有胆成为英雄,巅峰只不过是开头。

7.The minister said he would still support them, as long as they didn't break the rules.部长说,只要他们不违犯法规,他会继续支持他们。

8.I'll tell you the two best pieces of advice, maybe I'm breaking the rules, but you know, I break the rules.我会告诉你们两个忠告,也许我会打破常规,但你要知

9.Many of us decided to play the production team at their own game, and began to break the rules of the project.我们中的许多人决定按照自己的游戏规则组生产队,并开始打破项目规章。

10.I felt guilty at violating my own "Getting Lost" commandments, but surviving a city means learning when to break the rules.违反了我自设的“迷失”法令,我感到惭愧,但是在城市里生存意味着学会在适当时刻打破陈规。