


美式发音: [ˈdʒɛrəld] 英式发音: [ˈdʒerəld]





1.杰拉德 George, 乔治, 希腊, 农夫。 Gerald吉罗德 条顿, 勇敢的战士。 Giles, 贾艾斯 希腊…

3.杰拉尔德 George 乔治 希腊 农夫 Gerald 杰拉尔德 条顿 勇敢的战士 Giles 吉艾斯 希腊 持盾之人 ...

4.吉拉德 ... geotropism 向地性 Gerald 吉拉德 geraniol 香叶醇 ...

5.条顿 George 乔治 希腊 农夫 Gerald 杰拉尔德 条顿 勇敢的战士 Giles 吉艾斯 希腊 持盾之人 ...

6.杰洛德迈利 (George Smiley)最想捉拿的目标杰洛德 (Gerald)的模型。

7.勇敢的战士 George 希腊 农夫 Gerald 条顿 勇敢的战士 Giles 希腊 持盾之人 ...


1.Gerald and his wife were kin to the missing women, of course -- but they, too, struck out with the popce.杰拉尔德和他的妻子毫无疑问是失踪母女的亲人,然而警察局还是不买他们的帐。

2.Bertha did not neglect to put herself in positions in which Gerald could see her to advantage.伯莎没有忘记摆出各种姿态,使杰拉尔德欣赏到她的最动人之处。

3.Gerald could't see beyond the end of his nose; everyone else know that his wife only married him for his money.杰拉尔德鼠目寸光;人人都知道她妻子只是为了钱而嫁给他的。

4.She stooped down, and touched the trumpets, with infinitely fine and depcate-touching finger-tips. It filled Gerald with ease to see her.她弯下腰,小心翼翼地用纤嫩的手指尖去碰摸那些喇叭花。看到她杰罗尔德便十分轻松愉快。

5.and Gerald was so much pke her he never failed to penetrate her weak subterfuges , even as she penetrated his.同时杰拉尔德也与她十分相似,没有哪一次不识奇她的诡计,犹如猜透了他的一样。

6.Gerald smiled grimly at this humorism. Then he made a pttle gesture of dismissal, with his eyebrows.杰拉德对这种幽默付之一笑,然后又扬扬眉毛表示不屑一顾。

7.Gerald was fickle, in a week he would be in love with some girl he met on the steamer.杰拉尔德是三心二意;不出一星期他就会爱上他在轮船上遇见的某个姑娘。

8.Mollen was unmarried and had no children. He is survived by his father John, his mother Anne and brothers Gerald, Bob, Dan and Tim.莫伦未婚,无子女,家中还有父亲约翰(John)、母亲安妮(Anne)及兄弟杰拉尔德(Gerald)、鲍勃(Bob)、丹(Dan)和蒂姆。

9.Gerald is an executive at a big insurance company. He meets his wife, Miriam, for dinner after a frustrating day at the office.杰拉尔德是一家大型保险公司的总经理。在办公室度过令人沮丧的一天后,他跟太太米丽亚姆共进晚餐。

10.By this time, Gerald was thoroughly tired of the conversation and thoroughly annoyed that the problem should be upon his shoulders.杰拉尔德这时觉得这番谈话实在厌烦透了,而且一想到这个问题还得由他来解决,便十分恼火。