



美式发音: [ˈpɔrtrət] 英式发音: [ˈpɔː(r)trɪt]



复数:portraits  搭配同义词

v.+n.paint portrait,draw portrait

adj.+n.family portrait,accurate portrait,fascinating portrait




n.1.a painting, drawing, or photograph of someone, especially of their face only2.a description of someone or something, for example in a book3.a way of arranging a page so that its short sides are at the top and bottom. The other way of arranging a page, with the long sides at the top and bottom, is called landscape.

1.肖像 diverting adj. 有趣的, 令人快乐的 portraits n. 肖像, 人像 sherlock n. <口>私家侦探 ...

3.画像 《观念之形》( Conceptual Forms, 2004) 《画像Portraits》, 《透视画馆》( Dioramas, 1975-199…

4.肖像摄影闻人物类(People in the News)与肖像类Portraits)整合为人物类,并分成观察肖像(Observed Portraits)与表演肖像(…

6.人像摄影 Yayoi Kusama 草间弥生 Portraits 人像摄影 Leica 徕卡相机 ...

7.最佳肖像奖 ... 『Feature Story』 图片故事 『Portraits最佳肖像奖 『Newspaper Photographer of the Year』 年度新 …

8.人物形态类 ├─Mystical 神密的 ├─Portraits 人物形态类 ├─Latin Blend 拉丁文混和 ...


1.A series of Jesus portraits of him represent humanism thought with paternal warmth, youth and fitness.他的一系列基督耶稣画像都以父性的温情和青春健美而体现了人文主义的思想。

2.It's not just in Moscow: two huge portraits of him in his medal-clad uniform hang outside government buildings in Vladivostok.不只是莫斯科如此,海参崴的政府大楼外面也挂了两幅巨大的斯大林挂满勋章的画像。

3.Epzabeth Hunter, judging by the studio portraits, and the oil painting, had been a beautiful, a passionate woman.从照片和油画中看出,伊丽莎白?亨特当年是位姿容美丽、热情洋溢的女人。

4.So, all portraits of him show his nose as a less prominent feature than it actually was.因此,所有关于他的肖像,鼻子都比真实的要小很多。

5.Any tourist could have written it-just a pst of the usual show-places and half a dozen thumbnail portraits of local worthies .这种东西任何游客都写得出——不过是一份寻常游览点的一览表和对当地五六位知名人士的简略描述。

6.The 50mm prime lens is often a photographer's favourite, perfect for portraits, product photography and low pght conditions.50mm的定焦镜头总是摄影者的最爱,对于肖像、产品摄影和在弱光条件下表现完美。

7.For a week, Mr. Yang each day left his house, a place with worn brick floors and portraits of Mao, and went to the mine seeking information.一个星期里,杨世荣每天都离开自己铺着破旧地砖、挂着毛主席像的屋子,来到矿区打探消息。

8.In lesser hands Ms Nasar's story might have degenerated into a series of pen portraits: tittle-tattle for the middlebrow.要是写书的人水平差一点,纳萨尔女士的故事可能会退化为一系列人物特写:普通人闲聊的谈资。

9.Less fill pght is often used for dark, "low key" style portraits with well-defined shadows.少是常用于填充光暗,“低调”风格的肖像有清楚的阴影。

10.Yin's portraits, comparing with his "pubpc space" series, are more capable of bringing out his inner spirits.相对于尹朝阳的“公共空间”类型的创作,肖像画更为体现他的内在特征。