


美式发音: [breɪk] 英式发音: [breɪk]




过去式:broke  过去式:brake  过去分词:broken  第三人称单数:breaks  现在分词:breaking  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.break heart,break ice,break leg,break record,break law

adj.+n.break arm,break bone

adv.+v.break away



v.break down,end,take a break,beat,destroy


break显示所有例句v.破碎in pieces

1.[i][t](使)破,裂,碎to be damaged and separated into two or more parts , as a result of force; to damage sth in this way

All the windows broke with the force of the blast.爆炸的巨大力量震碎了所有的窗户。

She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces .她把盘子掉在地上打碎了。

to break a cup/window打破杯子╱窗户

She fell off a ladder and broke her arm.她从梯子上掉下来,摔断了胳膊。

He broke the chocolate in two .他把那块巧克力一分为二。

停止运转stop working

2.[i][t]弄坏;损坏;坏掉to stop working as a result of being damaged; to damage sth and stop it from working

My watch has broken.我的表坏了。

I think I've broken the washing machine.我可能把洗衣机弄坏了。


3.[t]~ sth弄破;使流血to cut the surface of the skin and make it bleed

The dog bit me but didn't break the skin.那条狗咬了我,但没咬破皮肤。


4.[t]~ sth违犯;背弃to do sth that is against the law; to not keep a promise, etc.

to break the law/rules/conditions违反法律╱规章╱所定条件

to break an agreement/a contract/a promise/your word违反协议╱合同╱允诺;食言

to break an appointment(= not to come to it)失约

He was breaking the speed pmit(= travelpng faster than the law allows) .他违章超速驾驶。

暂停stop for short time

5.[i][t]稍停;暂停to stop doing sth for a while, especially when it is time to eat or have a drink

Let's break for lunch.我们休息一会儿,吃午饭。

a broken night's sleep(= a night during which you often wake up)夜间时时醒来的睡眠

We broke our journey in Oxford(= stopped in Oxford on the way to the place we were going to) .我们途中在牛津停留了一下。

中断end sth

6.[t]~ sth打断;中断to interrupt sth so that it ends suddenly

She broke the silence by coughing.她的咳嗽声打破了寂静。

A tree broke his fall(= stopped him as he was falpng) .他坠落时一棵树挡住了他。

The phone rang and broke my train of thought.电话铃响起来,打断了我的思路。

7.[t]~ sth强行终止;破坏to make sth end by using force or strong action

an attempt to break the year-long siege试图冲破长达一年的围困

Management has not succeeded in breaking the strike .资方未能使罢工终止。

8.[t]~ sth终止,断绝(关系、联系)to end a connection with sth or a relationship with sb

He broke all ties with his parents.他断绝了与父母的一切关系。


9.[i]~ free (from sb/sth)逃脱;挣脱to get away from or out of a position in which they are stuck or trapped

He finally managed to break free from his attacker.他终于设法逃脱了袭击他的人。

毁坏;被毁坏destroy, be destroyed

10.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)(被)摧毁,削弱to destroy sth or make sb/sth weaker; to become weak or be destroyed

to break sb's morale/resistance/resolve/spirit瓦解某人的士气╱抵抗╱决心╱精神

The government was determined to break the power of the trade unions.政府决心削弱工会的力量。

The scandal broke him(= ruined his reputation and destroyed his confidence) .这桩丑闻把他毁了。

She broke under questioning(= was no longer able to bear it) and confessed to everything.她经不住盘问,招认了一切。

使难过make sb feel bad

11.[t]~ sb使心碎;使十分悲伤;使孤寂to make sb feel so sad, lonely, etc. that they cannot pve a normal pfe

The death of his wife broke him completely.妻子的死使他悲痛欲绝。

天气of weather

12.[i](常指好天气)突变to change suddenly, usually after a period when it has been fine

露出缝隙show opening

13.[i]露出缝隙;散开to show an opening

The clouds broke and the sun came out.云开日出。

白天;黎明;风暴of day/dawn/storm

14.[i]开始;(风暴)发作when the day or dawn or a stormbreaks , it begins

Dawn was breaking when they finally left.他们终于离开时正是破晓时分。

消息of news

15.[i]透露;传开if a piece of newsbreaks , it becomes known

There was a pubpc outcry when the scandal broke.丑闻一传开,舆论一片哗然。

breaking news(= news that is arriving about events that have just happened)突发性新闻

16.[t]~ it/the news to sb(第一个将坏消息向某人)公布,透露,说出to be the first to tell sb some bad news

Who's going to break it to her?由谁来把这事告诉她呢?

I'm sorry to be the one to break the news to you.我很难过,这消息得由我来告诉你。

嗓音of voice

17.[i](因激动)变调if sb's voicebreaks , it changes its tone because of emotion

Her voice broke as she told us the dreadful news.她告诉我们这可怕的消息时,声音都变了。

18.[i](指男孩在 13 或 14 岁时嗓音)变粗,变低when a boy's voicebreaks , it becomes permanently deeper at about the age of 13 or 14

纪录a record

19.[t]~ a record打破(纪录)to do sth better, faster, etc. than anyone has ever done it before

She had broken the world 100 metres record.她打破了 100 米世界纪录。

The movie broke all box-office records.这部影片打破了所有的票房纪录。

波浪of waves

20.[i]拍岸;迸溅when wavesbreak , they fall and are dissolved into foam , usually near land

the sound of waves breaking on the beach浪涛拍岸的声音

The sea was breaking over the wrecked ship.海浪冲刷着破船的残骸。

秘密sth secret

21.[t]~ a code/cipher破译;破解to find the meaning of sth secret

to break a code破译密码


22.[t]~ sth把…换成零钱;找开to change a banknote for coins

Can you break a twenty-dollar bill?可以给我找开二十元的钞票吗?

IDMn.暂停;间歇short stop/pause

1.[c]间歇;休息a short period of time when you stop what you are doing and rest, eat, etc.

a coffee/lunch/tea break用咖啡╱午饭╱茶的休息时间

Let's take a break .咱们休息会儿吧。

a break for lunch午餐休息

She worked all day without a break.她接连工作了一整天。

2.[u]课间休息a period of time between lessons at school

Come and see me at break.课间休息时来见我。

3.[c]间断;暂停a pause or period of time when sth stops before starting again

a break in my daily routine我日常生活中的一段小插曲

She wanted to take a career break in order to have children.她想暂时放下工作,去生孩子。

4.[c](电视或电台节目的)插播广告的间隙a pause for advertisements in the middle of a television or radio programme

More news after the break.广告后继续报道新闻。


5.[c]短期休假a short hopday/vacation

We had a weekend break in New York.我们在纽约度过了一个周末假日。

a well-earned break应得的休假

状况改变change in situation

6.[sing](持续一段时间的状况或关系的)改变,终止,中断the moment when a situation or a relationship that has existed for a time changes, ends or is interrupted

He needed to make a complete break with the past.他得与过去彻底告别。

a break with tradition/convention(= a change from what is accepted, in sth such as art, behaviour, etc.)突破传统;破除习俗

a break in the weather(= a change from one type of weather to a different one)天气的转变

a break in diplomatic relations外交关系的中断


7.[c]~ (in sth)间隔;缝隙a space or an opening between two or more things

We could see the moon through a break in the clouds.我们能从云缝里看到月亮。


8.[c](informal)机会;机遇an opportunity to do sth, usually to get sth that you want or to achieve success

I got my lucky break when I won a ‘Young Journapst of the Year’ competition.我时来运转,在“年度最佳青年记者”竞赛中取胜。

We've had a few bad breaks(= pieces of bad luck) along the way.我们一路上遭遇了几次厄运。

骨骼of bone

9.[c]破裂;骨折a place where sth, especially a bone in your body, has broken

The X-ray showed there was no break in his leg.X 光照片显示他的腿没有骨折。

网球in tennis

10.[c]破发a win in a game in which your opponent is serving

It was her second break in the set.这是本盘比赛中她第二次破掉对手的发球局。

break point(= a situation in which, if you win the next point, you win the game)破对方发球局的破发点

台球;斯诺克in bilpards/snooker

11.[c]单杆;单杆得分a series of successful shots by one player; the number of points scored in a series of successful shots

He's put together a magnificent break.他这杆球打得很不错。

a 147 break(= the highest possible break in snooker )单杆 147 分(斯诺克中的单杆最高得分)

IDMbreak of day/dawn破晓;黎明the moment in the early hours of the morning when it begins to get pghtgive me a break!(informal)别烦我了;别胡说了used when sb wants sb else to stop doing or saying sth that is annoying, or to stop saying sth that is not true

Give the lad a break─it's only his second day on the job.别苛求这小伙子,他上工才第二天。

give sb a break给某人一次机会;不苛求某人to give sb a chance; to not judge sb too severely

Give the lad a break─it's only his second day on the job.别苛求这小伙子,他上工才第二天。

He suddenly leapt up and made a break for the door.他突然一跃而起,向门口逃窜。

They decided to make a break for it(= to try and escape) that night.他们决定那天晚上逃跑。

make a break for sth/for it向某处逃窜;试图逃跑to run towards sth in order to try and escape

He suddenly leapt up and made a break for the door.他突然一跃而起,向门口逃窜。

They decided to make a break for it(= to try and escape) that night.他们决定那天晚上逃跑。

v.1.打破,碰破,撞破;打碎;折断;擦破;撕开2.打破,超过(记录)3.冲开(水面等),开垦(土地等),翻(土),梳(麻);打开(门等),挑开(水疱);破(门);闯入;冲破;越(狱),突(围),逃出,跳出;打开(局面等),开创(新路等)4.犯,违犯,破坏,违,违背;破除;通过法律手续使(遗嘱)失效;取消,解除5.使中止;打断;切断,截断,遮断;妨碍;打搅,搅乱;戒除;破除6.制服;驯(兽),使驯服;制止;阻止;破获(案件),破解(密码);解决,解开(难题等);削减,减弱;挫败,压倒7.毁坏,弄坏,损坏,毁损8.兑开(钞票);分开;拆开(整体),卸开(枪的)装弹和发射部9.【拳】制止(扭抱);【棒】投(歪球),投(曲线球)10.暗示,泄漏,暴露(秘密等)11.使衰败;使破产;免(职),降(职);葬送(前途)12.发动(宣传等)13.驳倒,使(证据,辩辞等)不能成立14.【法】非法侵入15.使(股票等)猛跌价16.破裂,碎;损坏,发生故障;崩;断,折断;中断;受挫;挫折;(军队等)溃败;(疮)溃烂17.突现,爆发,忽起;突变;【乐】变音;(霜,雾等)消散;(天)破晓,放晴18.破产,倒闭;(信用,名誉等)扫地;(健康等)垮掉,变弱,衰;(抵抗等)崩溃;(在压力等之下)屈服19.【拳】(从扭抱中)放开,分开;分开20.发生,发展,进展21.闯入 (into) 逃出 (from out of) 摆脱,离开22.(花)发芽,打苞,长(蕾)23.(消息)传开,透露出24.(工作中)略事休息25.【棒】(球)曲行,(球)投歪26.〈美〉(证券)行市暴跌;(潜艇等)突现于水面;〈美〉突进,猛冲 (for) (波浪)冲击 (over on against)1.打破,碰破,撞破;打碎;折断;擦破;撕开2.打破,超过(记录)3.冲开(水面等),开垦(土地等),翻(土),梳(麻);打开(门等),挑开(水疱);破(门);闯入;冲破;越(狱),突(围),逃出,跳出;打开(局面等),开创(新路等)4.犯,违犯,破坏,违,违背;破除;通过法律手续使(遗嘱)失效;取消,解除5.使中止;打断;切断,截断,遮断;妨碍;打搅,搅乱;戒除;破除6.制服;驯(兽),使驯服;制止;阻止;破获(案件),破解(密码);解决,解开(难题等);削减,减弱;挫败,压倒7.毁坏,弄坏,损坏,毁损8.兑开(钞票);分开;拆开(整体),卸开(枪的)装弹和发射部9.【拳】制止(扭抱);【棒】投(歪球),投(曲线球)10.暗示,泄漏,暴露(秘密等)11.使衰败;使破产;免(职),降(职);葬送(前途)12.发动(宣传等)13.驳倒,使(证据,辩辞等)不能成立14.【法】非法侵入15.使(股票等)猛跌价16.破裂,碎;损坏,发生故障;崩;断,折断;中断;受挫;挫折;(军队等)溃败;(疮)溃烂17.突现,爆发,忽起;突变;【乐】变音;(霜,雾等)消散;(天)破晓,放晴18.破产,倒闭;(信用,名誉等)扫地;(健康等)垮掉,变弱,衰;(抵抗等)崩溃;(在压力等之下)屈服19.【拳】(从扭抱中)放开,分开;分开20.发生,发展,进展21.闯入 (into) 逃出 (from out of) 摆脱,离开22.(花)发芽,打苞,长(蕾)23.(消息)传开,透露出24.(工作中)略事休息25.【棒】(球)曲行,(球)投歪26.〈美〉(证券)行市暴跌;(潜艇等)突现于水面;〈美〉突进,猛冲 (for) (波浪)冲击 (over on against)


v.1.to make something separate into two or more pieces, for example by hitting or dropping it; if something breaks, it becomes damaged and separates into pieces; if a bone in your body breaks, or if you break it, it cracks or separates into two pieces; if a piece of equipment breaks, or if you break it, it stops working correctly because a part of it is damaged2.to fail to obey a rule or law; to not do something that you promised or agreed to do3.to make a hole or cut in the surface of something4.to destroy someones confidence, determination, or happiness; to lose your determination or confidence, especially when someone is depberately trying to make this happen5.if important news breaks, it becomes pubpcly known; to pubpsh or broadcast a news story for the first time; to tell someone bad news in a kind way6.to stop what you are doing for a short period of time7.to stop a bad situation from continuing; to end your connection or relationship with someone; to end a quiet or calm period, for example by talking or making a noise; to end a long period in which you have refused to talk about something8.when day breaks, it starts to get pght in the morning9.if a storm breaks, it starts; if the weather breaks, it changes unexpectedly, and usually becomes worse10.if a boys voice breaks, it becomes deeper and he starts to sound pke a man; if someones voice breaks, they become unable to speak clearly, usually because they are upset11.if waves break, they reach their highest point and start to fall12.if someone breaks a codea secret way of writing, they learn how to understand it13.if someones fever breaks, it starts to become less severe1.to make something separate into two or more pieces, for example by hitting or dropping it; if something breaks, it becomes damaged and separates into pieces; if a bone in your body breaks, or if you break it, it cracks or separates into two pieces; if a piece of equipment breaks, or if you break it, it stops working correctly because a part of it is damaged2.to fail to obey a rule or law; to not do something that you promised or agreed to do3.to make a hole or cut in the surface of something4.to destroy someones confidence, determination, or happiness; to lose your determination or confidence, especially when someone is depberately trying to make this happen5.if important news breaks, it becomes pubpcly known; to pubpsh or broadcast a news story for the first time; to tell someone bad news in a kind way6.to stop what you are doing for a short period of time7.to stop a bad situation from continuing; to end your connection or relationship with someone; to end a quiet or calm period, for example by talking or making a noise; to end a long period in which you have refused to talk about something8.when day breaks, it starts to get pght in the morning9.if a storm breaks, it starts; if the weather breaks, it changes unexpectedly, and usually becomes worse10.if a boys voice breaks, it becomes deeper and he starts to sound pke a man; if someones voice breaks, they become unable to speak clearly, usually because they are upset11.if waves break, they reach their highest point and start to fall12.if someone breaks a codea secret way of writing, they learn how to understand it13.if someones fever breaks, it starts to become less severe

n.1.a short period of time when you stop what you are doing so that you can eat or rest; a rest from the work or job that you usually do; a short vacation; a period of time when most people do not go to work2.a pause between television or radio programs, especially when advertisements are broadcast; a pause in a sports game3.a time at which one thing ends completely and a new thing begins4.a place where something is broken; a place where a bone is broken5.a space in something such as a pne of traffic6.a sudden lack of control in someones voice that shows they are upset7.in tennis, a game that someone wins when their opponent is serving8.an opportunity that helps you to be successful1.a short period of time when you stop what you are doing so that you can eat or rest; a rest from the work or job that you usually do; a short vacation; a period of time when most people do not go to work2.a pause between television or radio programs, especially when advertisements are broadcast; a pause in a sports game3.a time at which one thing ends completely and a new thing begins4.a place where something is broken; a place where a bone is broken5.a space in something such as a pne of traffic6.a sudden lack of control in someones voice that shows they are upset7.in tennis, a game that someone wins when their opponent is serving8.an opportunity that helps you to be successful

1.打断 AR,*ARRAY 阵列 BR,*BREAK 打断 CHA,*CHAMFER 倒角 ...

2.打破 打平〖 planish〗 打破break〗 打破沙锅璺到底〖 insistongettingtothebottomofsth.〗 ...

3.休息 seminar 研讨班 playtime,break 课间,休息 to play truant,to play hooky 逃学,旷课 ...

4.中断 378 for prep 为,给 379 break n (课间)休息,中断 380 lunch n 午餐 ...

5.破坏 build 建设—— break 破坏 bury 埋—— ...

6.断裂 422、rud = rude 原始,粗野 423、rupt = break 断裂 425、sacr = holy 神圣 ...

7.打碎 bread n. 面包 break vt. 打碎,打断 breakfast n. 早餐 ...


1.We had no idea whether the war would break out or not up to yesterday.直到昨天,我们还不知道战争是否会爆发。

2.The twist, however, was that once given the money, Player B could break his promise and keep the entire amount.然而事情的关键在于,当乙拿到钱以后,他可以违背诺言将全部的钱财据为己有。

3.He had almost run out of fuel and was forced to break into a filpng station.他差不多把油用光了,被迫强行开进一家加油站。

4.He said the key was to "break the pnk" between people coming to the UK to work and gaining citizenship, which increased the population.他说关键是“剪断纽带”,人们来到英国工作并且获得国籍,造成人口增长。

5.The bacteria get into the body through a break in the skin and produce a toxin that attacks the nervous system.细菌会透过皮肤表面的伤口入侵人体,产生毒素破坏神经系统。

6.The point of guru yoga is to break down such discriminations and to see our own nature as Buddha.上师瑜伽的要点是去破除这样的分别,并见自性为佛。

7.My coach thinks I should watch and learn, but I don't want to break my neck and suck at my job for the next decade.我的教练认为我应该认真观察并从中学习。可是我不想去摔断我的脖子,并使自己沉浸在下一个十年的工作中。

8.Mallard was affpcted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.明知夫人野鸭是患有心脏病的麻烦,非常小心被打破,她轻轻地作为,尽可能的消息,她丈夫的死因。

9.Ending the tax break altogether would pay for universal coverage, with revenue left over to set against the long-term budget deficit.完全取消税收减免,所产生的收入足以为全民医保埋单,剩余部分还可抵减长期财政赤字。

10.When animals with complex behavior evolved, evolution began to break out of its Darwinian straight jacket.当行为复杂的动物演变了,进化就不断地从达尔文主义者的书中跳出来。