


美式发音: [ˈpɔɪntləs] 英式发音: ['pɔɪntləs]








1.无意义的;无目标的;不值得做的having no purpose; not worth doing

We searched until we knew it would be pointless to continue.我们搜索又搜索,直到觉得继续下去也枉然时才罢手。


adj.1.lacking any purpose or use

1.无意义的 offend v. 冒犯, 得罪 pointless a. 无意义的 recognizable a. 可辩认的, 可识别的 ...

2.不得要领的 plausible:adj. 似是而非的 pointless:a. 无意义的,不得要领的,没有目的的 posit:v. 假设,假定,设想 ...

3.无谓 ... 无畏〖 undauntedness;fearless〗 无谓〖 meaningless;pointless;senseless〗 甚无谓也。——《资治通鉴》 …

4.无目标的 pointed 尖锐的;率直的 pointless 无意义的,无目标的 poke 拨;戳 ...

5.钝的 pointing 弄尖 pointless 钝的 points of the compass 罗盘的三十二个方位 ...

6.毫无意义 ... Pointless 毫无意义 So now we have toothless sanctions? 所以现在我们的制裁软弱 …


1.I've never been stuck in such a slump before, my pfe seems pointless.我从来没这么低谷过,生活似乎变得毫无意义。

2."It's a bit of a marketing push, " Mr. Soneira said. "It's really pointless for a small TV under typical viewing conditions. "“这是一种营销手段,”索内拉说,“对于一台小电视机来说,在正常的视觉条件下,这种技术毫无意义。”

3.If you've read one of my books, thanks. I write them to be read, so without you, it would be a pointless exercise.如果你读过我写的书,那么谢谢,写书就是为了让人读,如果没有你,那些书毫无价值。

4.What have the locals got to do with it? the question was pointless wars not whether just or unjust.当地人又是怎样做的呢?这里的问题是问无意义的战争,而不是这场战争是否是正义的。

5.To say a woman is talented and scholarly is pke praising a flower for balancing on the scale with a cabbage or potato-utterly pointless.说女人有才学,就仿佛赞美一朵花,说它在天平上称起来有白菜番薯的斤两。

6.Its syntax appears to be that of a succession of three imperative clauses: one pointless, one mysterious, and one scarcely even coherent.我看到的是三个连续的祈使动词:其一毫无意义,其二神秘莫测,还有一个简直不知所云。

7.It is never pointless, it is always worth reading, and it has an action for you to take.它从不是空洞的,它总是值得一读,它有一个行动,供你选择,让你采取。

8.However the question posed in this discussion assumes that wars can be, at least to a degree, pointless.然而这里讨论的问题是假设这些战争可以说是,至少在某种程度上,是无意义的。

9.Trying to ignore a small ache until it grows into a pain is just pointless.在小疼痛变得严重之前重视它是很重要的。

10.Odie, let's talk effort versus return here. you know , you can still lead a pointless pfe without all that running around.(名字)我们谈谈努力与回报的问题吧。要知道,你用不着那样无头苍蝇的奔来跑去,也一样能过上毫无意义的生活。