


美式发音: [ˌtæmbəˈrin] 英式发音: [ˌtæmbəˈriːn]






1.铃鼓(蒙有塑料或皮面,鼓帮装有金属圆片,摇动或用手击打发声)a musical instrument that has a round wooden frame, sometimes covered with plastic or skin, with metal discs around the edge. To play it you shake it or hit it with your hand.


n.1.a musical instrument that you shake or hit with your hand, consisting of a round frame with a skin stretched over it and small pieces of metal around the edge

1.铃鼓 27.Log Drum 木鼓 28.Tambourine 铃鼓 29.Whistle 哨 ...

2.小手鼓 synthesizer 合成器 tambourine 小手鼓 tambourine 手鼓 ...

3.手鼓铃鼓 bassoon 低音管 tambourine 手鼓铃鼓 viopn 小提琴 ...

4.手铃手(hand clap)等:沙锤(shaker)和手铃 (tambourine)很相似,要明亮并且贯穿高频区,对于沙锤,我通常过滤掉 2kHz 以下的所有频 …

5.摇鼓 木琴( Xylophone) 摇鼓( Tambourine) 小号( Trumpet) ...

6.画中少女正在晃动摇鼓ng Girl with Tambourine”,画中少女正在晃动摇鼓Tambourine)翩翩起舞,优雅的舞姿加上灿烂的笑容,悠然自得的神情 …


1.the prophetess , Aaron's sister , took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women followed her, with tambourines and dancing .亚伦的姐姐,女先知米利暗,手里拿着鼓,众妇女也跟她出去拿鼓跳舞。

2.Praise Him with the tambourine and with dancing ; Praise Him with the stringed instrument and the pipe.击鼓跳舞赞美祂,用丝弦的乐器和箫的声音赞美祂;

3.He was slapping his tambourine against his maroon wide-wale corduroys , a flap of shaggy brown hair lapping at his face, his eyes closed.他正闭着眼睛,向自己身上穿的酱紫色粗条灯芯绒衣服上拍打手鼓,一缕褐色的头发不羁地搭在脸上,随着节奏上下抖动。

4.This four person band is made up of a saxophone player, a drum player, a harmonica player and a tambourine player.看这个四人组合,萨克斯风、架子鼓、口琴还有非洲手鼓;

5.To your tambourine in time, it's just a ragged clown behind.与你的铃鼓唱和,那只是跟在身后,一个衣衫褴褛的小丑。

6.the latter includes most of the smaller percussion instruments , pke triangle , tambourine , castanets , cymbal , gong and sleigh bells.而大部份的小型敲击乐乐器都属于后者,当中包括三角铃铃鼓响板铜钹锣及马铃等。

7.accompanied by "tambourine" (a kind of plucked musical instrument), the dance mainly depicts the horse movement and can be expanded freely.是以蒙古族乐器“托部秀尔”(弹拨乐器)伴奏,以表现马为主、又可自由发挥的舞蹈形式。

8.We did Summertime and My Funny Valentine, with Havel enthusiastically joining in on the tambourine.哈韦尔满怀激情地敲着小手鼓加入了我们,我们演奏了《夏日时光》和《我有趣的情人》。

9.If not for your noisy Tambourine, I would not have seen you.如果不是你的喧闹铃鼓,我没有看到你。

10.An ancient percussion instrument similar to a tambourine.铃鼓,小手鼓类似于铃鼓的一种古代打击乐器