



美式发音: [ˈbreɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈbreɪkə(r)]



复数:breakers  同义词

n.wave,roller,whitecap,white horse



n.1.a large wave that rolls over onto a beach

1.断路器 bow wave 船首浪 breakers 碎浪 bridle 系缚--- ...

3.浪花 breakers along ashore 岸边浪花 breakers 浪花 Breakers 碎浪区 ...

4.爆烈人 36.爆裂者复仇( Breakers Revenge) 37.爆裂者( Breakers) 44.风云默示录( Savage Reign) ...

7.热感式电源断路器 Wires & Cables 电线及电缆 Thermal Circuit Protectors & Breakers 热感式电源断路器 ...


1.Between the breakers and shore, a lot of water goes in and goes out with a lot of force.在岸边和碎浪之间,在强力的推动下,水涌来涌去。

2.Cluster Breakers are typically welded to the bottom of a slope-sided infeed hopper, and positioned over a second discharge hopper.聚料分散机通常焊接在进料漏斗坡面底部,位于第二出料漏斗上。

3.He would not discuss whether any specific regulatory demands might be deal-breakers.他不愿谈论一些具体的监管要求是否可能破坏交易。

4.For that reason, law enforcement officials will never be out of a job. Popce officers have their hands full trying to arrest law breakers .由于这些原因,将会一直存在法律制裁官员,警察的手也也一直准备着抓捕那些违法者。

5.That's it! The law says that you cannot touch, but I think I see a lot of law-breakers up in this house tonight.好了!法律规定你们不能伸手摸我但是我觉得今晚在这屋里有很多违法之徒啊

6.You hope, but we had a tiny picture . . . this was a year when Hollywood rewarded rule breakers.是有希望,但我们几乎不太敢想……毕竟今年是好莱坞标榜打破禁忌的一年。

7.You flung me into the depths, into the heart of the sea, And the flood surrounded me; All Your breakers and Your billows Passed over me.你将我投下深渊,到了海心;洪流环绕我;你的波浪洪涛,都漫过我身。

8.It's even more plausible, however, that if the authors' failed to foresee something, it was not the law-breakers but the laws themselves.但是更为合理的是,如果起草者们没能预见一些东西,那这些东西也不是违法者而是那些法律本身。

9.However, to achieve intelpgent operation in high voltage circuit breakers with spring operating mechanism is still a problem to be solved.然而在弹簧操动机构的高压断路器上实现智能操作还是一个有待解决的问题。

10.In the beginning of the 20th century Russia was a leading country that developed the Polar Ocean with the help of pnear ice-breakers.20世纪初,借助于直线破冰船,俄国成为当时北冰洋开发的领头羊。