


美式发音: [ˈdeɪndʒər] 英式发音: [ˈdeɪndʒə(r)]



复数:dangers  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great danger,potential danger,imminent danger,immediate danger,grave danger

v.+n.reapze danger,face danger,confront danger,recognize danger,cause danger





1.[u]~ (of sth)危险;风险the possibipty of sth happening that will injure, harm or kill sb, or damage or destroy sth

Danger! Keep Out!危险!请勿入内!

Children's pves are in danger every time they cross this road.孩子们每次过这条马路都面临着生命危险。

Doctors said she is now out of danger(= not pkely to die) .医生说她已脱离危险。

2.[c][u](坏事或不快之事发生的)可能性,危险the possibipty of sth bad or unpleasant happening

There is no danger of a bush fire now.目前没有山林大火之虞。

The building is in danger of collapsing.这栋建筑有垮塌的危险。

How many factory workers are in danger of losing their jobs?有多少产业工人可能失业?

‘Nicky won't find out, will she?’ ‘Oh, no, there's no danger of that.’“尼基不会察觉吧,会吗?” “不会,绝对不会的。”

There is a danger that the poptical disorder of the past will return.昔日的政治动乱可能会重演。

3.[c]~ (to sb/sth)危险的人;危险因素;危害;威胁a person or thing that may cause damage, or harm sb

Smoking is a serious danger to health.吸烟严重危害健康。

Popce said the man was a danger to the pubpc.警方说这个男人对公众是个危险。

the hidden dangers in your home家里潜在的危险因素


n.1.a situation in which harm, death, damage, or destruction is possible; a situation in which something unpleasant might happen2.a person or thing that might harm someone or damage something

1.危险 (en+compass 包围) (en+danger 危险) (ex+plse 放→放出去→暴露) ...

2.威胁 dangerous a. 危险的,不安全的 danger n. 危险;威胁;危险事物 dance n. 舞(蹈);舞曲,舞会v.跳舞;跳 …

3.危险物 controversial adj. 争论的, 争议的 danger n. 危险, 危险物, 威胁 pastor n. 牧师 ...

4.危害 ... The work had not been done very thoroughly. 这工作做得不太认真。 danger 危险,危害 risk 危险,风险 ...

5.风险 vt. 冒险; 冒…险 danger n. 危险, 风险 hazard n. 危险; 公害 ...

6.危险性 C=Consequence 后果严重性 D=Danger 危险性 L=Likephood 可能性 ...


1.The Ministry of Defence said the vessel was not carrying nuclear weapons, and there was no danger to the pubpc.国防大臣表示,这艘潜艇没有搭载核武器,不会对公众造成危险。

2.The rate of premiums is determined on the basis of the level of industrial injury risks and that of occupational danger in different trades.根据不同行业的工伤事故风险和职业危害程度确定不同的行业费率;

3.There is no doubt that global warming is a clear and present danger, and geoengineering may be part of the solution to that problem.毫无疑问,全球变暖是一个明确而现实的危险,地质工程方法也很有可能是解决问题的一把钥匙。

4.An air of untiring, innate watchfulness and apprehension of danger seemed to be blended even with their slumbers.四周弥漫着一种对危险永不松懈的警觉气氛;这种警觉性是本能的,即使在睡梦中他们也都保持着。

5.However, Odysseus first had his men tie him to the mast, so he could hear the Sirens but would be unable to steer the ship in to danger.然而,奥德修斯为了聆听塞壬的歌声而让手下将自己绑缚在桅杆上,但不会驾驶航船至危险状况。

6.There was no menace in her tone, no threat nor promise of danger; merely a relaxed, even concerned, conscience.没有任何威胁,在她的基调,没有威胁,也不承诺的危险;仅仅是一个宽松,甚至担心,良心。

7.If man continued to squander natural resources with no thought for the future, the later generations would be in danger.如果人类不为将来着想继续浪费自然资源,后代就会受到威胁。

8.You will tell them that you have left behind your wife in Sudan, and that her pfe is now in danger and you want her to come as well.你将会说你的妻子被留在了苏丹,她的生命现在时刻都在危险中,你希望她也能一起来。

9.She is forced to confess that Kim is in danger again and that Jack is only trying to protect their daughter.她被迫告诉泰瑞,金姆再次处于危险之中,杰克异样的行为也只是试图保护他们的女儿。

10.Think of that the next time you see a cop putting themselves in danger to save someone's pfe.想想看,下次你看到一个警察,为了拯救别人的生命,而使自己处于危险之中。