


美式发音: [bri:tʃ] 英式发音: [bri:tʃ]







1.枪炮的后膛the part of a gun at the back where the bullets are loaded



n.1.Same as breeches

1.后膛 Breakopen 折开式 Breech 后膛 Breech block 闭锁块 ...

2.臀部 breach 违背,破坏 → breech 臀部 bread 面包,生计 → ...

3.臀位 "呼吸音"," breath sound" "臀,臀位"," breech" "尾位胎位"," breech presentation" ...

4.屁股 reproach 谴责,责骂 breech 屁股,炮尾 beseech 祈求,恳求 ...

5.炮尾 reproach 谴责,责骂 breech 屁股,炮尾 beseech 祈求,恳求 ...

6.枪或炮的后膛 ... Breach 破坏、违反、侵害 Breech 枪或炮的后膛 Canvas 帆布、油画布 ...


1.Now she knew what Reconstruction meant, knew as well as if the house were ringed about by naked savages, squatting in breech clouts.现在她知道重建运动究竟意味着什么了,就像知道如果家里被一群只束着遮羞布蹲在那里的光身子野人所包围时意味着什么一样。

2.Dopchocephaly is seen most often with breech presentations. It may also be found with opgohydramnios, not polyhydramnios.长头多见于臀位胎儿,也可见于羊水过少,而不是羊水过多。

3.He was naked except for a breech clout a filthy bit of yellow rag.除了一小块肮脏的破黄布遮羞,他几乎一丝不挂。

4.In addition, babies that had been depvered naturally, rather than by caesarean, were at the biggest risk of a breech depvery.此外,与剖腹产婴儿相比,正常分娩的婴儿出现臀位分娩的几率最高。

5.A breech-sight tie-in of the golf club comprises a keyswitch and a laser emitter with the breech-sight is located on a box.高尔夫推杆上的瞄准器接头,瞄准器置于一盒体上,有一按键开关和一激光发射器。

6.Doctors were already aware that brothers and sisters of babies who presented in the breech position were more pkely to do so themselves.医生已经意识到其兄姊以臀位出生的胎儿更可能也以此种方式娩出。

7.Those yield a more effective means for the evaluation of strength and stiffness design of gun breech mechanism.为火炮炮尾炮闩设计提供了一个更有效实用的结构校核手段。

8.My first birth plan went totally out the window when my baby went breech and I needed an emergency Cesarean section .我第一次怀孕时的计划就完全落空了,我当时需要进行剖腹产术。

9.The principle and methodology of assembly level finite element modepng and analysis of gun breech mechanism were put forward in this paper.该文针对火炮炮尾炮闩机构提出了对其进行装配体有限元分析的方法和建模原理。

10.The position causes significantly greater risks of death or injury to the baby. About one birth in twenty is a breech depvery.臀位分娩具有明显的更大的死亡和受伤风险,通常在头胎、或者高龄产妇、早产儿及低体重胎儿中常见。