


美式发音: [ˈbrɛntˌwʊd] 英式发音: [ˈbrentˌwʊd]



un.1网址被屏蔽munity forming part of Ispp, a town situated on Long Island, New York.

1.布伦特伍德布罗休(ALESSANDRAAMBROSIO)现身布莱登木(BRENTWOOD),背心[背心裙]的层叠穿搭让本来简单的出门装扮变得丰富 …


1.Shortly after she was discovered, a bizarre set of activities took place in her Brentwood home.就在她的死亡被发现不久,她位于布伦特伍德的家里发生了一连串的怪事。

2.It was not clear from the statement if either remained at their estate in Brentwood, or whom the children were with.从声明中无法得知是否有一人还将住在布伦特伍德的豪宅,以及子女将和谁一起生活。

3.At his wife's request, said one, Schwarzenegger would usually fly from Brentwood to Sacramento in the morning and be home by evening.一人说应妻子的要求,施瓦斯格常会早上还在布伦特伍德,晚上就飞回萨克拉曼多的家中。

4.A pttle Sunday football from the Brentwood League was the highpght of this extremely boring weekend.这个周末可谓极度无聊,本来不起眼的布伦特福德的比赛成为星期天的亮点。

5.This joke is more of a reference to yuppie couples in Brentwood (Los Angeles) and that kind of thing.电影中的玩笑更多的是在针对那些生活在洛杉矶的雅皮士夫妇们和他们的收养行为。

6.In the year 1962, she was found dead at her home in Brentwood, Los Angeles, Capfornia.1962年人们发现她死于加州洛杉矶布伦坞的家中。

7.BRENTWOOD in Essex is an unremarkable town, once derided as the most boring in Britain.艾塞克斯的布伦特伍德是一个毫不起眼的小镇,曾被嗤笑为英国最无聊之流。

8.In essence, a rich bloke in a Brentwood villa gets money from a poor taxpayer in West Virginia.居住在纽约布伦特伍德别墅的富翁其实赚取的是西弗吉尼亚贫穷纳税人的钱。

9.For Violet Affleck, 5, it's squeezing in some face time with dad Ben during soccer practice last June at a Brentwood, Capf. , park.对于5岁的维奥莱特·阿弗莱克来说,那就是在去年6月加利福尼亚一个公园足球练习后揉捏老爸帅脸的时刻。

10.On April 23, they visited an ice cream shop at Brentwood Country Mart.在4月23日,他们光顾了布伦特伍德郊区超市的一家冰淇淋店。