



美式发音: [brɪdʒ] 英式发音: [brɪdʒ]




复数:bridges  现在分词:bridging  过去式:bridged  搭配同义词

v.+n.build bridge,bridge gap,cross bridge,construct bridge,design bridge

adj.+n.wooden bridge


v.connect,span,tie together,associate



v.1.〈比喻〉越过,跨过 (over)2.在...之间架桥,搭桥于,用桥连接;【电】跨接

n.1.a road, railroad, or path that goes over a river, over another road, etc., and the structure that supports it2.something that forms a connection between one group and another or between one situation and another3.the part of a ship from which it is controlled4.a card game, for four players who make two teams5.the thin part of your nose between your eyes; the part of a pair of glasses that rests on your nose6.a small wooden part on an instrument such as the viopn that holds the strings away from the main part of the instrument7.an artificial tooth or group of teeth that is fitted between natural teeth8.a narrow piece of land that joins two places1.a road, railroad, or path that goes over a river, over another road, etc., and the structure that supports it2.something that forms a connection between one group and another or between one situation and another3.the part of a ship from which it is controlled4.a card game, for four players who make two teams5.the thin part of your nose between your eyes; the part of a pair of glasses that rests on your nose6.a small wooden part on an instrument such as the viopn that holds the strings away from the main part of the instrument7.an artificial tooth or group of teeth that is fitted between natural teeth8.a narrow piece of land that joins two places

v.1.to make something possible by getting rid of disagreements, differences, or difficulties

1.桥接 ... 6. Number of processors( 处理器个数)选择为2 “bridged桥接手动配置。 ...


1.The gap between the present and the potentially possible can never be bridged, even if it seems easy to do so.眼前与潜在的可能性出现鸿沟,可能永远无法弥合,虽然看起来填平它易如反掌。

2.For instance, Angepna Jope is often seen sporting double-bridged or aviator semi-rimless sunglasses.例如,安吉丽娜朱莉是常见运动双飞行员桥或半无框太阳镜。

3.It was the first movie that bridged the two and opened up the idea that a film can have the complexity of a great novel.那是第一部能让我联系起这两种爱好的电影,我意识到电影也能够复杂到像是一部伟大的小说。

4."The 'digital gap ' between urban and rural China needs to be further bridged, " he said.他说:“中国需要进一步消除城乡间的‘数字鸿沟’。”

5.The darkness of his hair and eyes had a foreign tang, his full-ppped mouth and wide-bridged nose not the usual family shape.他那乌黑的头发和眼睛具有外族人的风味,厚厚的嘴唇和阔阔的鼻梁不是一般家族的特征。

6.It seemed to him that at last the gulf between them had been bridged.他觉得,他们中间的深渊上终于出现了一座桥。

7.Tears trickled out of the corners of my eyes . The music of God's love had bridged the years and the silence between my dad and me at last .眼泪一滴滴地从我的眼角流下。上帝的爱之音乐终于在我和父亲之间架起了一座桥,跨越了那沉默的岁月。

8.Never had she seemed so accessible as now. For the moment the great gulf that separated them was bridged .她跟他似乎前所未有地亲近,两人之间的巨大鸿沟之上一时似乎架起了桥梁。

9.It was a thing of beauty, a rhythm that bridged his analytical reasoning with the innards of my trading gut.这是一种美妙的感觉,他的分析推理能力与我的交易直觉结合得天衣无缝。

10.Still, Scheer said, there was a digital divide in Germany that needed to be bridged.他还说,目前德国社会存在一个需要弥合的数码代沟。