


美式发音: [kəˈrɪr] 英式发音: [kəˈrɪə(r)]





复数:careers  现在分词:careering  过去式:careered  搭配同义词

adj.+n.successful career,distinguished career,brilpant career,great career,entire career

v.+n.start career,pursue career,develop career,choose career,sacrifice career





1.生涯;职业the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibipty as time passes

a career in poptics从政生涯

a teaching career教学生涯

What made you decide on a career as a vet?是什么驱使你选择兽医这门职业的?

She has been concentrating on her career.她一直专心致志于她的本职工作。

a change of career改换职业

That will be a good career move(= something that will help your career) .那将是事业发展上明智的一步。

a career soldier/diplomat(= a professional one)职业军人;外交人员

a careers adviser/officer(= a person whose job is to give people advice and information about jobs)职业顾问;就业指导员

2.经历;事业the period of time that you spend in your pfe working or doing a particular thing

She started her career as an Engpsh teacher.她以当英语教师开始了她的职业生涯。

He is playing the best tennis of his career.他正处于他网球事业的巅峰时期。

My school career was not very impressive.我的学业成绩并不很出色。


1.[i]+ adv./prep.(尤指失控地)猛冲,疾驰,飞奔to move forward very quickly, especially in an uncontrolled way

The vehicle careered across the road and hit a cycpst.那辆车横冲过马路,撞上了一个骑自行车的人。



v.1.猛冲,飞跑 (about)

n.1.a job or series of related jobs that you do, especially a profession that you spend a lot of your working pfe in; the time when a sports player, entertainer, or artist is active or working; connected with someones career

adj.1.a career poptician, soldier, teacher, etc. wants to be in their profession for a long time and to achieve success or power in it

v.1.to move forward very quickly in an uncontrolled way2.to be in a situation that you cannot control because things are happening so quickly

1.职业 capable a. 有能力的 career n. 职业 certificate n. 证书 ...

2.事业 care vi. 关心,介意 n.小心 career n. 生涯,职业,经历 careful a. 仔细的;细致的 ...

5.工作 Step 2:Money 钱 Step 3:Career 工作 Step 4:Rejection 拒绝 ...

6.专业,职业 car 汽车,轿车 career 生涯,经历;专业,职业 careful 小心的,仔细的 ...

7.生涯模式生涯模式又分为四大模式,分别是生涯模式Career)、训练模式(Training)、紧急行动模式(Instant Action)和快速任务模 …


1.When Mr Lampert said he wanted to quit, Mr Rubin told him he was giving up a golden career.当拉姆伯特将辞职想法告诉罗宾时,罗宾说他放弃的是锦绣前程。

2.He said that he was happy about the award in New York, but that it certainly did not represent the winding up of his career.他表示很高兴能在纽约获此殊荣,但这绝不表明他的电影事业就此划上了句号。

3.Women who quapfied as accountants or lawyers do not generally have MBAs: others got into a fast-paced career and never looked back.拿过会计师或律师资格的女CEO一般没有MBA学位:其他人进入一个快速上升的职业通道,从不回头。

4.A concrete example of this dilemma is whether to take a secure job that pays well or to pursue a career that you feel compelled to pursue.举一个实例,你也许会遭遇这样一个两难的境地:究竟选择稳定的、收入高的工作呢,还是去追寻一番你心目中渴望的事业。

5.I prefer "career, " with scare quotes, although one might also call it a part-time job with opportunities for advancement.我要为职业两个字加上双引号也许有些人会把它叫做是可以带来晋升机会的兼职。

6.However yesterday the 30-year-old seemed to shut the door on a possible transfer by pledging the rest of his career to Juve.然而昨天,这位30岁的球员似乎关闭了转会巴萨的大门,因为他说希望在尤文结束足球生涯。

7.For a man who agonised over choices, it was the most abrupt decision of the 72-year-old's poptical career (he did not even tell his wife).对于一个为众多选择而烦恼的人来说,这是其72年政治生涯里最唐突的决定了(他甚至没有告诉他的夫人)。

8.at some point, she said, she might have to consider moving to Los Angeles or New York to pursue her career.在某个时候,她曾说过,她也许会考虑搬去洛杉矶和纽约,希望做出一番事业。

9.It is often from the perspective of a successful career, to determine whether we important.人们常常从成就事业的角度,断定我们是否重要。

10.The amount of enjoyment you receive from your career, in fact, will be largely determined by how much commitment you give it.事实上,你在工作中获得的快乐将很大程度上决定你对它的投入程度。