


美式发音: [ˈbrɪdʒɪz] 英式发音: [ˈbridʒiz]







n.1.The plural of bridge

v.1.The third person singular present tense of bridge

1.桥梁 Computer games 电脑游戏 Bridges 桥梁 Anger 怒气 ...

2.布里奇斯 ... 怪兽大逃亡: Critter Escape 4 3.1 彩球连接之桥: Flow Free:Bridges 4 1.2 碰瓷儿: Ceramic Destroyer 4 1.8 ...

4.桥型 ... Pour /throw cold water on 泼冷水" Burn one’s boat/ bridges 破釜沉舟" A drop in the bucket/ocean 九牛一毛" ...

6.管式桥 machining 机械加工 bridges 管式桥 clamp 夹钳 ...

7.组桥 弗里蒙特( Fremont) 1-94组桥( 1-94 Bridges) 默塞尔( Mercer) ...

8.躯干桥 ... 3 Wall Squat( 靠墙身健身球蹲举) 4 Bridges躯干桥) 5 Abdominal Curls( 卷 …


1.After all was said and done, what was Bridges' impression of the subject of his very presidential impression?会见尽兴作别之后,说起此次对总统有何印象,布里奇斯作何感想?

2.As a Chinese American, I am more than thrilled to see such a wonderful ambassador who bridges the two sides.作为一个美籍华人,看到有这样一位架起中美友谊桥梁的神奇使者,我难以言表自己的兴奋之情。

3.It looks as if it's suspended between bridges to both of the Mur's shores, but it's actually on a floating platform.这座建筑看起来像是悬挂在横跨穆尔河两岸的桥梁上,事实上它是漂浮在一个平台上的。

4.Do not know graphics or do not understand the drawings will not be able to build ships , bridges or houses.不会制图或不懂图纸就不能造船,架桥或盖房子。

5.It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, pagodas and halls all over the area.它主要是由一座小山,一个人工湖构成的。到处布满了桥,宝塔和走廊。

6.It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, towers and halls all over the area.颐和园由万寿山和昆明湖(人工湖)构成主体框架,里面亭台楼阁、殿堂厅室、塔航桥关,应有尽有。

7.The brook Huan Zhu Prefecture, bridges cross Bi quicksand. The wind is not the door wall, long and cold spray.溪上还珠太守家,小桥斜跨碧流沙。清风不共门墙改,长与寒泉起浪花。

8."The Revolution Everlasting" was one of the enduring slogans of his Libya, inscribed everywhere from bridges to water bottles.在卡扎菲统治下的利比亚,到处都充斥着“永久革命”的标语口号,这些标语被印刷在从大桥到水壶的表面上。

9.The Indian Prime Minister is said to be in favor of trying to build bridges with Pakistan.印度总理表示将在试图与巴基斯坦建立桥梁的青睐。

10.The Summer Palace consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, pagodas and halls all over the area.颐和园主要由一山与一人造湖组成,园内小桥、宝塔、走廊零落其间。