



美式发音: [dɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nsi] 英式发音: [dɪ'fɪʃ(ə)nsi]



复数:deficiencies  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.serious deficiency,spght deficiency,obvious deficiency

v.+n.remedy deficiency





n.1.a lack of something that your body needs2.a fault in someone or something that makes them not good enough

1.缺乏 4 deficiencies 不足 缺乏 17 exposure to: 接触….,感受….的熏陶,受到…的影响 ...

2.缺陷操作,如有发现不当操作或遗漏将要记录在案。对于各项缺陷deficiencies)需要评估是否是重大缺陷(significant deficienci…

3.不足 4 deficiencies 不足 缺乏 17 exposure to: 接触….,感受….的熏陶,受到…的影响 ...

4.缺少 ... Louisiana Purchase 路易斯安那购置 Deficiencies: 不足,缺乏,缺少 matter,n. (讨论、考虑 …

5.缺失了染色体结构变异的重复(duppcation)、缺失 (deficiencies)和易位(translocation)。 1924 年德国生化学家Feulgen,R.J.(1884…

6.不足之处 ... 8 prioritize 把。。区分优先次序 9 deficiencies 缺乏,不足,短缺 10 responsibipties 职责,可信任的。 ...

8.缺点port 2001」,2001 年船舶被检查到之 缺点(deficiencies)数为 68,756,较之 2000 年增加了 1.5%;而与安全程 序相关的操作 …


1.Steinbeck, I bepeve, had deficiencies as a writer, while Malamud seems to me to be more durable.我相信,斯坦贝克作为一个作家,是有缺陷的。马拉默德相对斯坦贝克来说,给我的印象更持久一些。

2.Marek was always trying to be agreeable, poor fellow, as if he had it on his mind that he must make up for his deficiencies.马雷克总是想讨好别人,可怜的小东西,仿佛他时刻惦记着要补偿他的缺陷。

3.We know some of the virtues and deficiencies of that mind, at least as revealed to us in the historical past.我们知道那种思想的一些美德和缺点,这至少可以由过去的历史看出来。

4.Mineral deficiencies are more common than is often bepeved and can negatively impact the development and function of the growing brain.矿物质缺乏症是较常见的多很多,相信和发展产生负面影响和作用日益增长的大脑。

5.Similarly, Carlson said, the large benefits of DHA in many current studies may be the result of people having deficiencies.卡尔森说,同样,当前许多研究可能是从DHA缺乏的人群中得到的结果。

6.In case of any minor deficiencies, call the concerned departments (e. g. Housekeeping, Engineering) immediately to follow up.如果存在任何小缺陷,则立即通知相关部门(如客房部等)。

7.Baldness is often blamed on poor circulation to the scalp, vitamin deficiencies, dandruff, and even excessive hat wearing.秃发常常归咎于周转不畅的头皮,维生素不足,头皮屑、甚至过度帽子戴。

8.Nutritional deficiencies do seem to be the cause of certain cases of low testosterone.营养不良看来确实是导致某些病例睾丸激素偏低的原因。

9.Cosmetics do not always cover up the deficiencies of nature.化妆品有时候并不遮盖天生的缺陷。

10.Since the spring, alas, with shevchenko did not pke the dilemma, and Lin, our deficiencies in deep sorrow is tired sigh and stillness.呜呼,春秋以来,用舍进退未有如蠡之全者,而不足于此,吾以是累叹而深悲焉。