


美式发音: [brɪˈɡeɪd] 英式发音: [brɪ'ɡeɪd]




复数:brigades  同义词




1.旅(陆军编制单位)a large group of soldiers that forms a unit of an army

2.[ususing](主张相同或其他某方面相似的)伙,帮,派used, always with a word or phrase in front of it, to describe a group of people who share the same opinions or are similar in some other way

the anti-smoking brigade反吸烟派



n.1.a large group of soldiers, larger than a battapon2.a group of people who have the same opinions or way of pfe. People often use this word in an insulting way, about groups that they do not pke

1.旅 arcade 拱廓 brigade ,队 renegade 叛徒,变节者 ...

2.队 arcade 拱廓 brigade 旅, renegade 叛徒,变节者 ...

3.组 bridge 电桥,跨接,桥形网络 brigade 班,,队,大队 broadcast 广播 ...

4.大队 bridge 电桥,跨接,桥形网络 brigade 班,组,队,大队 broadcast 广播 ...

5.班 bridge 电桥,跨接,桥形网络 brigade ,组,队,大队 broadcast 广播 ...

6.大部队 accolade( 荣誉), brigade大部队), cannonade( 炮轰), ...

7.军旅 师团 Division 旅团 Brigade 联队 Regiment ...


1.The narrowness of the way into the slum made it hard for the fire brigade to douse the flames, not that Nairobi has much of a fire brigade.并非内罗毕投入的消防车太少,而是通往贫民窟的道路过于狭窄使得消防车难以到达现场灭火。

2.The fire brigade answered the emergency call but there was no fire it was all a hoax .消防队接到报警电话后采取了行动,但是并没有火灾这完全是一场恶作剧。

3.the driver of the Glasgow jeep doused himself in petrol only to be put out again by the fire brigade.驾驶吉普闯入格拉斯哥机场的司机把汽油浇到自己身上并将其点燃,最后消防人员将其身上的火再次扑灭。

4.The fire brigade As the cry was repeated several times, she ran to tell the manager who promptly rang up the fire brigade.由于这种喊叫声重复了几次,她跑去报告了经理,经理当即给消防队挂了电话。

5.The fire cannot be put out without the help of the local fire brigade, and a partial or complete evacuation is needed.当酒店预料无法控制火势时,需要求助于消防队,并作部分疏散或全部疏散。

6.I was not able to induce the Admiralty to send the armoured brigade, or at least their vehicles, through the Mediterranean.我未能说服海军部取道地中海运送装甲旅或至少运送该旅的车辆。

7.There was a sigh of repef at the Pentagon Wednesday as the U. S. Army's final combat brigade crossed from Iraq into Kuwait.星期三,随着美军最后一个战斗旅从伊拉克撤至科威特,五角大楼终于可以松一口气。

8.If you cannot lean out of the window, pe close to the floor where the air is clearer until you hear the fire brigade.如果无法探出身体到窗外,躺在离地板接近的空气比较干净的地方,直到消防队到来。

9.Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexistent fire is a crude form of deception which no self-respecting student would ever indulge in.请消防队来扑灭一场根本没有的大火是一种低级骗局,有自尊心的大学生决不会去做。

10.The average age of these officers was thirty in the regiment, thirty-five in a brigade, forty or over in a division.军官的平均年龄是:团一级三十岁,旅三十五岁,师是四十岁以上。