


美式发音: [ʃæˈtoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈʃɑːtoʊ]






1.(法国的)城堡,乡间别墅a castle or large country house in France


n.1.a castle or large house in the French countryside

1.酒庄都像PLAYBOY里的兔女郎),整个环境就像在一个古堡CHATEAU)里一样。价格十分昂贵!你会问有多贵?告诉您:基 …

7.城堡型的旅馆 chaos 混乱 chateau 城堡型的旅馆 chill 寒冷 ...


1.It took me a few minutes to figure out why, but I reapzed that the steps tilted inward, just pke the ones at the chateau.我想了好一会儿才想明白,我发现那些台阶也是向内部倾斜的,就像城堡里的那样。

2.It's quite lean. Kind of reminds me a touch of a Chateau Musar. I was also thinking maybe of an old-style Pinotage.口感上来说,整体属于比较清瘦型的,让我想起ChateauMusar的感觉,也有点旧风格的pinotage。

3.presently , the chateau began to make itself strangely visible by some pght of its own , as though it were growing luminous.但这黑暗并不长久,府邸立即以它自己的光离奇地照亮了自己,仿佛正要变成一个发光体。

4.Swanning off to his chateau in France was the act of a poptical clodhopper.游荡于他在法国的城堡就是一个政治乡巴佬的行为。

5.The Chateau d'If has no cemetery, and they simply throw the dead into the sea, after fastening a thirty-six pound cannon-ball to their feet.伊夫堡是没有坟场的,他们在死者脚上绑一个三十六磅重的铁球,然后朝海里一扔就算了事了。

6.Its chateau (built by Francis I) was long a royal palace and is now the summer residence of the president of France.其城堡(弗朗西斯一世建造)是个历史悠久的皇宫,现在是法国总统避暑的官邸。

7.It was a chateau; it is no longer anything but a farm.它原是一个古堡,现在只是一个农家的庄屋了。

8.His chief work was decorative panels commissioned by Madame du Barry, mistress of Loius XV, for her chateau at Louveciennes.他的主要作品是路易十六的情妇—杜巴里夫人为自己的路弗西安城堡所订做的装饰镶板。

9.Uh, Roman? Only briefly at the chateau. Although cat didn't seem to pke me nearly as much. I have the scars to prove it.她男朋友叫什么来着?呃Roman?就在城堡那稍微聚了下虽然那猫似乎不咋喜欢我有伤痕为证

10.was to keep always the pttle chateau of his father.是永远保留他父亲的小行宫