


美式发音: [ɪ'læbərətlɪ] 英式发音: [ɪ'læbəreɪtlɪ]








1.精巧地 elaborate 精工细做,详细说明 elaborately ad. 苦心经营地,精巧地 electron 电子 ...

2.精心地 elaborate 复杂的;精心制作的 elaborately 详尽地;精心地 elastic 有弹性的;可 …

3.苦心经营地 elaborate 精工细做,详细说明 elaborately ad. 苦心经营地,精巧地 electron 电子 ...

4.详尽地 detailed,comppcated 详细阐述 elaborately 精细地,详尽地 elasticity 弹力,弹性 ...

5.精巧的 acclaim 喝彩 elaborately 精巧的 nest 巢 ...

6.精心制作地 end up + 介词片语 到头来∕最后…… elaborately adv. 精心制作地 elaborate on... 详细说明…… ...

7.精细地 detailed,comppcated 详细阐述 elaborately 精细地,详尽地 elasticity 弹力,弹性 ...


1.Karen was assigned an elaborately scoped sniper rifle, her marksmanship scores being the best of any of them.分给凯伦的是一支瞄准精确的狙击步枪,这支队伍里数她的枪法最准。

2.All his plans were suddenly overthrown, and the existence, so elaborately pictured, was no more than a dream which would never be reapsed.眨眼间,他的种种设想都被打乱了,朝思暮想勾勒出来的生活图景到头只不过是一枕黄粱,永远成不了现实。

3.Like a matter calpgrapher, sometimes, and he needs to exaggerate the thickness or thinness of a stroke, elaborately straighten or curve it.一位书法家有时要夸张某个字的一个笔画的粗细,将其故意拉直或卷曲。

4.I love to pve a relaxed and leisurely pfe. I don't pke a tight schedule. I don't pke an elaborately arranged program.我喜欢松散而闲适的生活,我不喜欢精密地分配时间,不喜欢紧张地安排节目。

5.Divas of the avian world, elaborately feathered birds of paradise, pke this ribbon-tailed species, practice elaborate courtship rituals.迪瓦狮鸟的世界,苦心经营地有羽毛的天堂鸟,像这只缎带-有尾的物种,实践完美求偶典礼。

6.Boots went completely out of style in favor of these new elegant heels, now elaborately decorated with ribbons, rosettes or buckles.如今还用缎带,圆花饰和扣子精心装饰,这些时新的高雅的后跟让靴子彻底过时。

7.Yu Hang's photographs of elaborately costumed women are rendered as if from history.于航作品里穿着戏服的女主人公们似乎是历史中的真实人物。

8.From a bag he had brought up with him , he elaborately presented mine rocks to officials .他从井下带来的包里拿出矿石,郑重地交给官员们。

9.DNA reppcation is one of the crucial steps to normal cell division. This process is regulated elaborately .DNA复制是细胞分裂的中心环节之一,在细胞周期中受到严谨的调控。

10.Especially that he's full of guilty and grateful for her sacrifice for their love. He fed her the fish eye more elaborately.尤其是他,对她做出的牺牲充满了内疚和感激。他只有更精心地喂她鱼眼睛。