


美式发音: [ˈbrɪɡənd] 英式发音: ['brɪɡənd]



复数:brigands  同义词




1.盗贼;强盗a member of a group of criminals that steals from people, especially one that attacks travellers


n.1.someone who steals things, especially from travelers

1.土匪 brier 荆棘 brigand 土匪, 强盗 brighten 使变亮, 使生辉 ...

2.强盗 +盗贼专精:幻术家( Illusionist) +盗贼专精:强盗Brigand) 单一专精:巫术师( Theurgist) ...

3.土匪,强盗 ... 32.     entreaty: 恳求。 33.     brigand土匪,强盗。 34.     garrulous: 多嘴的,饶舌的。 ...

4.匪徒 圣马丁 St Martin 匪徒 Brigand 督威 Duvel ...

5.地匪 ... outlaws in the green wood 绿林好汉 brigand 地匪,流窜犯 highway man …

6.山贼 山岳 山岳 mountain;hill;lofty mountain 山贼 山贼 brigand 山楂 山楂 hawthorn tree ...

7.流窜犯 ... outlaws in the green wood 绿林好汉 brigand 地匪,流窜犯 highway man …

8.盗匪 ... gangster 歹徒 brigand 1. 山贼,盗匪 unrighteous 1. 邪恶的;有罪的 ...


1.Luckily for the soldier the victim turned out to be a brigand wanted by the popce.那士兵算是走运:死者原来被警方通缉,是个土匪。

2.He had guarded the flocks among the mountains, and from a shepherd he had sppped into a brigand.他在山里看守过牛羊,从牧人变成了强盗。

3.A petty thief is put in jail. A great brigand becomes a ruler of a State.“小偷被抓进监狱,大盗则成了国家的统治者”;原文。

4.You can modify the starting strengths by talking to the old man at the brigand fort on the first day.第一天在贼堡和老人对话可以修改各派的起始强弱状态。

5.peppino , " said the brigand chief , " give me the torch .“庇皮诺,”那个强盗头儿说道,“把火把给我。”

6.inquired the brigand chief , turning towards his men , who all retreated before his look.匪首转身问他的部下,那些人都被他的目光逼得往后退。

7.Standing before the tribunal of history is one brigand named France and the other named Great Britain.站在历史的大审判面前的两个悍匪,一个名字叫:法兰西;另一个名字叫:大不列颠。

8.And how would you deal with this brigand?你要如何对付这个土匪?

9.He was this same "brigand of the Loire. "他正是那卢瓦尔的匪徒。

10.I heard. This Wallace is a brigand, nothing more.我听说了,Wallace不过是个土匪,不值一提。