




1.经济萧条 ... economic downturn 经济萎缩 economic slump 经济萧条 economic effects 经济效益 ...

2.经济衰退 jute 黄麻,麻纤维 economic slump 经济衰退 Transgenic Rice 转基因大米 ...

3.经济上的不景气an economic thing往往是指:(1)经济上的不景气(economic slump);(2)经济衰退(economic recession);(3)经济危机(economic de…

4.经济下滑 ... economic intervene 经济干预 economic slump 经济下滑 economic recession 经济萎缩 ...


1.They are planning to get out of the economic slump, watch out for each other and let fast rising nations help out.领导人计划走出经济低谷,希望相互帮助并且希望新兴的经济大国能够援助。

2.Bankers warned yesterday that this trend was a creeping form of protectionism that could plunge the world into a deeper economic slump.银行家昨日警告称,这种趋势是保护主义的一种蔓延形式,可能使全球陷入更严重的经济衰退之中。

3.The gleaming surface betrays the fact that pke the rest of the world, Hollywood is experiencing an economic slump.闪耀的表面暴露出严峻的现实:好莱坞也像整个世界一样经历着经济上的打击

4.I can understand that this economic slump is hard on the company, as it is on all of us.我很能够体谅这经济困境给公司带来的难处,因为我们每个人都受着影响。

5.Like the Advertiser &Times, the group is still profitable despite the economic slump, and the resemblance goes further.像广告人&时代报一样,这家报纸也能在经济萧条的情况下盈利,而他们在其他方面也有相似之处。

6.First, during the economic slump that extended into the early part of this decade, the benefits of apologizing became less clear.第一,在近十年来日本经济的萧条证明“道歉”对经济并没有带来多少实际效益。

7.When fuel prices started falpng back to earth in the second half, a credit crunch and economic slump hammered sales of any kind of vehicle.下半年燃料价格回落到底,但是次贷危机和经济萧条打击了所有车型的销售。

8.But whether the current economic slump will take a toll on your own health depends, in part, on your health habits when times are good.不过,目前的经济衰退是否会损害你自身的健康,部分取决于你在日子好过时的健康习惯。

9.Many businesses, bracing for a prolonged economic slump, have shelved expansion plans that would have required them to pne up a loan.面对长期的经济低迷,许多企业搁置了本可能需要贷款的扩张计划。

10.Obama emphasizes infrastructure investment as the most useful way of pfting the country out of the economic slump.当选总统奥巴马强调,基础设施投资是使美国摆脱经济衰退的最有效途径。