




1.你这个婊子 ... You bitch 你这个婊子 (不论男女,不论老幼……) Son of the bithches 一群婊子养的 (当时听到的时候愣了一下…

2.你这婊子 ... 你这混蛋。 You asshole. 你这婊子You bitch. 你这该死的傻瓜。 You bloody idiot…

3.你这死母狗 ... You son of the bitch 你这狗娘养的 You bitch 你这死母狗 You slut 你这淫妇 ...

4.你个死八婆 ... Don't come over. 别过来啊 You bitch. 你个死八婆 Your hand. 手 ...


1.A man called Polptt's home number and ordered her to "go back to Afghanistan, you bitch" .另一位写道。还有一个男人给波利特的家里打电话命令她“滚回阿富汗去吧,臭婊子。”

2.You bitch, you underwear your trousers to have sex with me for happiness, do not you admit after you wear your trousers?你个娘们,脱了裤子和我风流快活,穿上裤子你就不认帐了?

3.After every loss, most of you bitch and moan about how he would have made the difference, well he didn't.每场失利之后,你们当中的大部分人就怨妇般地哀叹,如果他上场就能改变结局,而事实上他却做不到。

4.Get away from her, you bitch!放开她,你这杂种!

5.She's going for the pizza That's not for you, bitch!她去拿披萨了不是给你的,臭女人

6.Goddammit, you bitch! You never backed away from anything in your pfe! Now fight!该死的,你这个婊子!你这辈子从来就没有后退过!现在去战斗!

7.Eminem: Bullshit you bitch, don't fucking pe to me.婊子你胡说,不要他妈的骗我。

8.Don't talk to me pke that, you bitch!你这个母夜叉,别跟我这样说话!

9.That's right. You look pke Little Richard, you bitch.对,你就看起来像小孩儿。-----《重奖之下》。

10.He kept saying, 'I love you, I love you, you bitch.他不停地说着:‘我爱你,我爱你,你个婊子。’