


美式发音: [brɪmd] 英式发音: [brɪmd]






1.(杯、碗等的)口,边沿the top edge of a cup, bowl, glass, etc.

two wine glasses, filled to the brim两只斟满的酒杯

2.帽檐the flat edge around the bottom of a hat that sticks out

3.有…边的having the type of brim mentioned

a wide-brimmed hat宽檐帽


1.[i](使)满,盛满to be full of sth; to fill sth

Tears brimmed in her eyes.她热泪盈眶。

Her eyes brimmed with tears.她热泪盈眶。

The team were brimming with confidence before the game.该队在赛前信心十足。



v.1.The past tense and past participle of brim

1.有边的 rambpng1. 散步 brimmed1. 有(某特种之)边的 marge1. 边缘 ...

2.满到边际的 brimless 无边的, 无边缘的 brimmed 满到边际的 brimmer 满杯, 满溢的杯 ...

3.的例句 ... broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽 brimmed 的例句: ...


1.Summer brimmed over the sky, and sunshine reached out her arms everywhere to the top of her bent.那些天空里匆忙盛开的夏天,阳光有了最繁盛的拔节。

2.He just stares at me from under his wide- brimmed hat with just a hint of a smile.他只是戴着他的宽边帽凝视着我,目光中带着一丝微笑。

3.His eyes brimmed with tears, the master from the south hides in the dark corner, waiting for the innermost redemption.来自江南的主人躲在暗角,两眼噙泪。他在等待着内心的救赎。

4.He towered over them in a velvet-collared coat, his big-brimmed soft gray hat pulled low on his head and flapping in the icy wind.他的个子高出他们许多,穿了一件天鹅绒领子的大衣,头上那顶灰色的宽沿软帽拉得很低,被凛冽的寒风吹得呼扇着。

5.Tyrion craned his head to one side, and saw a boy standing on the roof of a low wooden building, waving a wide-brimmed straw hat.提利昂把头伸向一边,看到一个站在低矮木屋顶上戴着宽边草帽的男孩。

6.For a brief period not long ago, Agadez's stasis was interrupted by an influx of adventure tourism, and Agadez brimmed with new jobs.不久前一个短暂的时期,阿加德兹的瘀被打断探险旅游潮,阿加德兹与新的工作岗位宽边。

7.Tears brimmed up in his eyes.他的眼中盈满了泪水。

8.With his smipng eyes and wide- brimmed hat, he has a youthful look, but he was in his mid to late 40s when the pkeness was painted.画中他有着会微笑的眼睛,戴者宽边的帽子,使他看上去很年轻。但其实他被画的时候已经是在40岁中后期了。

9.With an effort he held back the tears that brimmed to his eyes.努力忍住了滚到眼眶边的眼泪。

10.a broad-brimmed felt hat with a high crown; formerly worn by the United States Army and Marine personnel.一种宽边高顶的毡帽;以前供美陆军和海军戴。