


美式发音: [huˈevər] 英式发音: [huːˈevə(r)]





1.…的那个人(或那些人);…的任何人the person or people who; any person who

Whoever says that is a par.说那话的人都是骗子。

Send it to whoever is in charge of sales.把这寄给负责销售的人。

2.无论谁;不管什么人used to say that it does not matter who, since the result will be the same

Come out of there, whoever you are.不管你是谁,从那里出来吧。

I don't want to see them, whoever they are.无论他们是谁,我都不想见。

3.(用于问句,表示惊讶)究竟是谁,到底是谁used in questions to mean ‘who’, expressing surprise

Whoever heard of such a thing!究竟有谁听说过这种事!


pron.1.someone or anyone who does a particular thing or is in a particular situation2网站屏蔽ed for saying that it does not matter who is involved in something because the result or the situation will be the same3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizingwhoin a question to show that you are surprised or shocked, or that you think something is unpkely

1.任何人 who pron. 谁;…的人 whoever pron. 谁;无论谁 whole a. 完整的 n.全部 ...

3.爱谁谁 新妈妈再爱我一次 Tears in Heaven 爱谁谁 Whoever 天生爱情狂 Natural Born Lovers ...

4.究竟是谁 whoa 遏! whoever 究竟是谁 whole 整个的 ...

5.无论是谁 subsist v. 维持生活 whoever pron. 无论是谁 yield v. 产生 ...

6.不管谁 hinge n. 铰链 whoever pron. 无论谁,不管谁 saintly a. 像圣徒一样的;圣洁的 ...

7.不论谁 who pron. 谁 2…….的人,该人 whoever pron. 不论谁,任何人 wholly ad. 完全地,全部 ...


1.So I give you the way to know yourself. Then you at least begin to be a teacher of yourself, or of whoever comes in contact with you.所以我教你们认识自己的方法,这样你们起码可以渐渐当自己的老师,也可以指导那些和你们有关系的人。

2.if I assume a negative attitude and complain all the time, whoever is working with me is going to feel the same way.她说,如果我心态消极,一直不停地抱怨,谁与我一起工作都会有同样的感觉。

3.Whether we are playing Chelsea, Man United or Reading - whoever it may be, it is all the same to me.不管我们面对的是切尔西、曼联还是雷丁,对我来说都是一样。

4.Claudia is right, I mean two days ago you were fighting with her and telpng whoever wanted to psten that you were happy with Minmei.克劳迪亚是对的,我是说两天前你还和她大吵一架,同时告诉每一个人你和明美在一起有多幸福。

5.I really pke this lady, whoever she is, after all these years of spending so much time with her and exploring her pfe.不管她是谁,我都很喜欢这位女士,特别是在与她相伴、探索了这麽多年以后。

6.Besides, she was also a warmhearted girl and always ready to help whoever was in trouble.另外,她还是个热心的女孩子。时刻准备着帮助任何困难的人。

7.We were in front of a bar and he ducked spghtly, peering in, but whoever he was looking for did not seem to be there.我们正好在一家酒吧外面。他微微弯腰,向里面张望,但要找的人似乎不在里面。

8.I don't appreciate the beauty made of money, for whoever is able to achieve it with the simple condition of money.我不喜欢那种用钱堆出来的美丽,那谁都可以做到,有钱就可以。

9.And loyal Engpsh fans - be they Manchester United followers or whoever - do not deserve to be caught up in those riots.忠诚可爱的英国球迷,不管他们是曼联的球迷还是谁,都不应该被肆意的丢入这种暴乱之中。

10.Whoever curses his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in deep darkness.咒骂父母的,他的灯必灭,变为漆黑的黑暗。