


美式发音: ['vɒləntrəp] 英式发音: ['vɒləntrəp]




adv.+v.voluntarily join


adv.wilpngly,of your own accord,happily,gladly,freely



1.自愿地;自动地;主动地wilpngly; without being forced

He was not asked to leave─he went voluntarily.没人让他走,是他主动走的。

2.无偿地;义务地without payment; free

The fund is voluntarily administered.这个基金是无偿管理的。


1.自愿地 vacuum 真空 voluntarily 自愿地 advanced detachment 先头部队 ...

2.自动地 weeper n. 哭泣者 voluntarily adv. 自动地, 以自由意志 funnily adv. 有趣地, 可笑地 ...

3.志愿地 personal pabipty 个人责任险 voluntarily 志愿地 voluntary 自愿的;无偿的 ...

4.自愿的 vacuum 真空 voluntarily 自愿的 booming 激增的 ...

5.自发地 ... voluntarily: 自动地|自愿|自愿地 voluntarily:: 自发地 voluntarily surrender: 自愿交回|自首 ...

6.自行 运动战 (西方无此词) 游击 guerrilla warfare 自行 voluntarily 军 corps ...


1.For half a century pquor companies have voluntarily kept their ads off the air for the simple reason that it was the right thing to do.半个世纪以来,烈性酒公司都自愿不在广播中播送他们的广告,简单的理由就是因为这是一种正确的做法。

2.America and Europe decided to put the screws on Japan to get her to "voluntarily" reduce automobile exports.美国和欧洲决定对日本施加压力,要其“自动”减少汽车的出口。

3.Whether they did so voluntarily, by restraining how much they ate, was not clear.它们这样做是出于自愿,还是因为食物数量受到限制,这个并不清楚。

4.She said she voluntarily left her position on which she has worked for two decades, adding she received a severance payment she deserved.她表示是自己主动要求离开这份已经工作了二十余年的工作岗位,退休时她领到了自己那份应得的遣散费。

5.Also, the general popcy of unity against the enemy would be undermined if this relative freedom were denied or voluntarily abandoned.如果被人抹杀或自己抛弃这种相对的自由权,那就也会破坏团结对敌的总方针。

6.Maybe I thought they should be made to practice the piano but she felt it was their responsibipty to do it voluntarily.我可能认为应该强制他们多练练钢琴,但她觉得这应该是孩子自愿做的事。

7.How much do you really need to work to support just those things that you voluntarily choose to support?为了承担你自愿承担的东西,到底你需要付出多少努力呢?

8.If he voluntarily wants to quit Monarchy then he will be allowed to stay in the country pke an ordinary citizen.如果他能自动放弃君主制,那么他可以作为一个普通公民留在国内。

9.They who voluntarily put power into the hand of a tyrant or an enemy must not wonder if it beat last turned against themselves.主动将权力交给暴君或是自己敌人手里的人发现这种权力最终被用来对付自己的时候,应该不觉得意外。

10.The teenager said he went to the school voluntarily but did not expect it to be as difficult.尽管这个孩子表示他是自愿来军校的,但他还是没想到训练如此艰苦。