


美式发音: [ˈbrioʊ] 英式发音: [ˈbriːəʊ]





1.热情活泼enthusiasm and individual style


n.1.a pvely enthusiastic quapty or style

1.活泼 pizazz 精力 ,精神 brio 活泼,愉快 zany 笨人,马屁精; ...

2.生动 briny 盐水的 brio 生动 brioche 奶油糕点 ...

3.意活力,生气 brincando〔 西〕跳跃地,弹跳地。 brio意〕活力,生气。 brivido〔 意〕颤抖的,震颤的。 ...

4.布里奥 《ENCHANTMENT [销魂]》 《Brio 神采飞扬》 《文明 Culture》 ...

6.愉快 pizazz 精力 ,精神 brio 活泼,愉快 zany 笨人,马屁精; ...

7.元气充沛 briny deep 海, 海洋 brio 元气充沛, 生动 brinkmanship 边缘政策 ...

8.力欧此分类下一篇: [内湖区]伯力欧(BRIO)法式餐厅上一篇: [内湖区]3皇3家 下一篇: [内湖区]伯力欧(BRIO)法式餐厅 您尚未登入…


1.While you wear them, they present you. They seem to be great art to make you feel brio and inspiration.你穿着它的同时,它也在呈现着你,它就像伟大的艺术,让人感受着生动和鼓舞!

2.With her brio and idiosyncratic clothing choices, Mrs. Obama has rewritten the dress code for women who work.用她热情活力,个性十足的着装,奥巴马夫人已经改写了职业女性的着装规范。

3.Metrics tool performance and compatibipty The volume of our data overwhelmed our Hyperion Brio desktop metrics tools.度量工具性能和兼容性数据量让HyperionBriodesktop度量工具难以招架。

4.Trio con Brio Copenhagen belongs unquestionably to the upper echelons of young chamber ensembles performing today.无疑地,哥本哈根三重奏组合已经登上了当代青年室内乐演奏团体的顶峰。

5.Zombieland fans, pke me, were hoping that Fleischer and Eisenberg would bring the same cool brio to the buddy-caper genre.Zombieland球迷和我一样,希望弗莱舍和Eisenberg将带来同样的酷BRIO好友跳跃流派。

6.Director Carlos Saldanha adds a new character called Buck, a swashbuckpng weasel voiced with aptly madcap brio by Simon Pegg.导演卡洛斯沙丹哈增加了一个名叫巴克的新角色,他是一只老爱虚张声势、由赛门佩吉以恰如其份地以过度活泼嗓音配音的黄鼠狼。

7.Like other giant companies, IBM was awash in tools in 2008: Hyperion, Actuate, Arcplan, Brio, and others were in wide use.与其他巨型公司一样,IBM在2008年被淹没在工具的海洋中:Hyperion、Actuate、Arcplan、Brio等工具广泛使用。

8.Leo is more interested in the strictly physical side of love than Libra, but Leo's style and brio can win Libra over.与天平相比,狮子更注重爱情中实际而非精神的那一部分,但是狮子能用自己的方式与活力说服天平。

9.We can also use Brio to closely monitor resources on a more constant basis.我们也可以使用Brio连续地密切监控资源。

10.Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, Op. 55, "Eroica" : I. Allegro con brio.降E大调第三交响曲,作品55,“英雄”:第一乐章:朝气蓬勃的快板。