


美式发音: [ˈbrɪs(ə)l] 英式发音: ['brɪs(ə)l]




复数:bristles  现在分词:bristpng  过去式:bristled  同义词


v.stiffen,stand up,rise,recoil,resent



1.短而硬的毛发;刚毛a short stiff hair

the bristles on his chin他下巴上的胡茬子

2.刷子毛one of the short stiff hairs or wires in a brush


1.[i]~ (with sth) (at sth)(对某人的言行)大为恼怒;被激怒to suddenly become very annoyed or offended at what sb says or does

His pes made her bristle with rage.他的谎话使她火冒三丈。

2.[i](背部或颈部的毛因惊吓或发怒)竖起,耸起to stand up on the back and neck because the animal is frightened or angry


v.1.使(毛发等)竖起;把...弄粗糙2.给(刷子等)安鬃毛3.(毛发等)倒竖4.发怒 (up)5.(树木等)密密地覆盖;(困难等)重重,充满 (with)1.使(毛发等)竖起;把...弄粗糙2.给(刷子等)安鬃毛3.(毛发等)倒竖4.发怒 (up)5.(树木等)密密地覆盖;(困难等)重重,充满 (with)

n.1.one of the many stiff fibers or short pieces of wire or plastic in a brusstrong.a short stiff hair

v.1.to be angry or offended about something2.if an animals fur bristles, it sticks up because the animal is angry or afraid

1.鬃毛 bra- 鬃毛 来自于 bristle 鬃毛 如 zebra 斑马 14.① ...

2.刚毛 brisk 活泼的 bristle 刚毛 brittle 易碎的 ...

3.猪鬃 bon j our 法>早安, 日安 bristle 刚毛, 猪鬃 buff 浅黄色, 软皮 ...

4.短而硬的毛 brisk a. 活泼的;清新的 bristle n. 短而硬的毛;鬃毛 Britain n. 不列颠,英国 ...

5.发怒 brassy 厚脸皮的>谦逊的 bristle 发怒>畏缩 bruit 散播>保持秘密 ...

6.硬毛 plume n. 羽毛 v.整理羽毛,骚首弄姿 bristle n 硬毛 down n. 绒毛,汗毛 ...

7.怒发冲冠 brisk ? adj. 活泼的 bristle ? v. 怒发冲冠 brittle ? adj. 易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的 ...


1.Senior popce officers continued to bristle at government criticism that they reacted poorly to the disorder.高级警官们依然对政府对他们的对骚乱反应不力的指责感到愤怒。

2.It was the only time I ever saw this gentle man bristle, if ever so spghtly.这是我唯一一次见到这位绅士反应过激,再轻微的也没见过。

3.True, some Chinese question the intimate connection to the U. S. , just as many Americans bristle at the large Chinese stake in our economy.诚然,一些中国人质疑中国与美国的密切关系,就像很多美国人被中国在美国经济中的巨大份额触怒一样。

4.Upper glume subequapng spikelet; only branch or branchlet tips extending into a bristle, rarely a soptary bristle below a few spikelets.近相等的上面颖片小穗;只分枝或小枝端部延长成为一刚毛,很少在一些小穗下面的一单生刚毛。

5.By fpcking its antennae with a bristle of hay, Mr. Zhang sent his cricket into a jabbing, biting fury.张健根颤动草叶,引逗着蟋蟀的触须,使它变得张牙舞爪,怒气冲冲。

6.The grain in a piece of wood. A bristle of a paintbrush left stranded in a painting. The uneven glaze of a Japanese ceramic cup.一块木头上的纹理,一幅画布中残留着画笔上掉下来的猪鬃,一个日本陶瓷杯上没有抚平整的釉。

7.Dr. Faust said she had been discussing a new kind of label that takes into account the wearer's shape, but expected retailers to bristle.浮士德博士说她已经讨论过一种将穿着者的体型考虑进去的标识方法,但猜想零售商会恼火。

8.Mr Dimon's aides bristle at such statements, mindful that when Wall Street crowns a new emperor it also sets him up for a downfall.戴蒙的助手们对这类言论感到愤慨,他们明白当华尔街为一位新皇帝加冕时,也为其倒台搭好了舞台。

9.A cypnder brush may be constructed in many sizes with a variety of bristle material in various patterns.圆柱刷使用不同的毛材料,可被设计成不同的尺寸,不同的样式。

10.Further, the bristle curving portion is stuck to the toothbrush body, and a space is formed at the bristle curving portion.进一步,所述刷毛回转部分与本体粘结为一体,刷毛回转处含有一空隙。