




1.福佬 12 Suigintou 水银灯 13 Holo 赫萝 14 Takamachi Nanoha 高町奈叶 ...

3.全息(Holography) semicartilagimous 半软骨的。 holo- 全部,完全 holocephapc 头部完 …

5.全息涂料 ... 幽灵作家( Ghost...) 全息涂料( Holo-...) 特效相机( Camer...) ...

6.和罗 hokton 何克屯 漂儿(打牲器)暖木(树木) holo 和罗 虚假、山谷 homin 和敏 锄头 ...



1.Time moved to a crawl as his thoughts cleared, permitting his fingers to move freely across the portable holo- comm on his wrist.当他清空思绪时,时间仿佛变慢了,这让他手指得以在他手腕上的便携式全息通讯仪上自由移动。

2.A pttle while later, Obi - Wan and a decidedly clean up Luke stood before the holo projector.不一会,奥比万就和涣然一新的卢克站到了全息放映机前。

3.Ahsoka pressed the holo - projector on her chest.阿索卡将全息投影仪按在她的胸前。

4.The hunter, using a holo-shroud to deceive Evazan, held the doctor at bay with a thermal detonator.这名赏金猎人穿一件全息套装骗过了埃瓦赞,用一枚热能炸弹控制住这个“医生”。

5.Concept of holo-spectrum is introduced.介绍了全息谱的概念。

6.Method of two and Three-dimensional holo-spectrum plotted by MATLAB software is set forth.并阐述了利用MATLAB软件绘制二维全息谱图和三维全息谱图的方法。

7.The holo-image now showed several tiny objects, no more than minuscule dots.全景图显示出许多不比微小圆点大的物体。

8.The steripzing effectiveness has been verified by Holo Test and Film - cove ring Test.用抑菌圈法和薄膜覆盖法检测了釉面砖的抗菌效果。

9.Vader allowed him no friends or companions, save a holo- droid named PROXY.维达不许他有朋友或者伙伴,除了一个叫做“代理”的全息投影机器人。

10.Optical waveguide is the base structure of integrated optics and the holo-optical network.光波导是集成光学的基本单元,同时也是全光网络传输的基础。