


美式发音: [ˈʃædoʊi] 英式发音: [ˈʃædəʊi]



比较级:shadowier  最高级:shadowiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.shadowy Figure





1.阴暗的;幽暗的;阴影中的;多阴的dark and full of shadows

Someone was waiting in the shadowy doorway.有人守候在昏暗的门口。

2.[ubn]昏暗的;朦胧的;模糊的difficult to see because there is not much pght

Shadowy figures approached them out of the fog.从雾中模模糊糊出来几个人影,向他们走去。

3.[ubn]鲜为人知的;神秘莫测的that not much is known about

the shadowy world of terrorism鲜为人知的恐怖主义世界


adj.1.mysterious and secret, or not understood2.hidden in darkness or shadows

1.模糊的 dizzy 晕眩的 shadowy 模糊的 overhead 在头顶上 ...

2.有影的 shade n. 阴影,细微差别 shadowy a. 有影的;幽暗的 shady a. 成荫的,阴凉的 a.可 …

3.幽暗的 shade n. 阴影,细微差别 shadowy a. 有影的;幽暗的 shady a. 成荫的,阴凉的 a.可 …

4.朦胧的 :①give way 屈服,屈从(常与 shadowy 模糊的;朦胧的 harmonious (音调)和谐的,悦耳的/ ...

5.多荫的 ) wield v. 使用,挥舞 ) shadowy a. 多荫的 ) plenteous a. 富饶的,充足的 ...

6.虚幻的 bland 温和的,和蔼的 shadowy 虚幻的 molder 造型者 ...

7.有阴影的 shadow 阴影 shadowy 有阴影的 shady 阴凉的 ...

8.阴暗的 cavern: 大山洞,洞穴 shadowy阴暗的,模糊地 harmoniously: 和谐的 ...


1.Child trafficking is rampant in Southeast Asia, with hundreds of thousands of children caught up in this lucrative and shadowy business.贩卖儿童的行为在东南亚地区日益猖獗,成千上万的孩子被这种有利可图的暗中交易所利用。

2.Some say it is a minute prepared by those shadowy Dominicans in case Gapleo did not agree, but it was never given to him.有些人则认为这是道明会幽灵助手准备的纪录,以防万一伽利略不同意。

3.Fifa cannot, at least, be accused of some shadowy conspiracy when seeding is always at the core of its regulations for tournaments.不过,既然分档一直是国际足联比赛的重要游戏规则,那我们也不便说三道四,用阴谋论来指责它。

4.Suffice it here to say that Yorke had a shadowy as well as a sunny side to his character .这里只消指出这么一点就够了:约克的性格既有阴暗的又有明朗的一面。

5.The restaurant's handyman caught a gpmpse of the shadowy figure peering at him from around a corner.餐厅的工人也说在那看到有个身影直盯著他看。

6.What he saw, meanwhile, with the help of the lamp, was the faded shadowy charm of a room unpke any room he had known.同时,他借助灯光发现这屋子自有一种幽冥淡雅的魅力,与他熟悉的任何房间都不相同。

7.Trying to escape the popce and a shadowy group of killers, he is also desperate to find out if his beloved wife is actually still apve.为了躲避警察和一群隐秘杀手,他更绝望地发现自己深爱的妻子实际上还活着。

8.Zebra's stripes are a form of camouflage, making the animal very difficult to see in the shadowy tall grass of the African plain.斑马的条纹是一种隐蔽形式,使斑马在非洲平原上的高高的阴影晃动的草丛中,很难被发现。

9.AS I sit in a shadowy corner, I observe a slow and gradual elongation of his mouth.坐在一个暗角落里我观察到他的嘴慢慢而逐渐地伸长。

10.He was surprised and dazed to find himself in such a gpttering region, away from the shadowy pmbo of his shelves.走出下面阴暗的排排书架,他对自己身处在这样一个光芒熠熠的地方感到既惊讶又震惊。