


美式发音: [ˈbrɪt(ə)l] 英式发音: ['brɪt(ə)l]





比较级:brittler  最高级:brittlest  同义词反义词





1.硬但易碎的;脆性的hard but easily broken

brittle bones/nails易折的骨骼╱指甲

2.脆弱的abrittle mood or state of mind is one that appears to be happy or strong but is actually nervous and easily damaged

a brittle temperament脆弱的性情

3.尖利的;刺耳的hard and sharp in an unpleasant way

a brittle laugh尖利的笑声




adj.1.a brittle substance or object is hard and can easily break into pieces; a brittle relationship or situation is not very strong and could easily be damaged2.a brittle laugh or smile does not show real humor or happiness; if you speak in a brittle voice, you sound as if you are about to cry3.a brittle sound is rather sharp and unpleasant

1.易碎的 bristle ? v. 怒发冲冠 brittle ? adj. 易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的 broach ? v. 开启;开矿;论文开题 ...

2.脆的 brisk/ brisk/a. 活泼的;清新的 brittle/ 5britl/a. 脆的;易损坏的 bronze/ brRnz/n. 青铜色 ...

3.脆弱的 bristle ? v. 怒发冲冠 brittle ? adj. 易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的 broach ? v. 开启;开矿;论文开题 ...

4.易损坏的 brisk/ brisk/a. 活泼的;清新的 brittle/ 5britl/a. 脆的;易损坏的 bronze/ brRnz/n. 青铜色 ...

5.脆性 Bright 欢快的 Brittle 冷淡的? Brooding 沉思的 ...


1.For herself she was again brittle and pretentious, but the two men appeared to be enjoying the unexpected.她又恢复了那副纤弱做作的神态,可那两个人似乎对这意想不到的事很是欣赏。

2.XML is often less brittle because, again, you can ignore data you don't know about.XML一般也比较强壮,因为你可以对你所不了解的数据视而不见。

3.Except for a small length of web at the first fracture location, none of the cracks exhibited a brittle fracture mode of crack propagation.除第一个断裂位置的一小段腹板外,没有一条裂纹显示出裂纹扩展的脆性断裂模式。

4.After a few days, I found it really grew up a bit, but some leaves have been the hot sun as the paper brittle.过了几天,我发现它确实是长大了一点,但有些叶子已被炎热的太阳晒得像易碎的纸片。

5.But a brittle government under strong pressure from its electorate and miptary may struggle to survive if it frees Raymond Davis.但根据其选民和军事的强大压力脆政府可能为生存而挣扎,如果它释放雷蒙德戴维斯。

6.Deflection of the support system is often critical, especially in older buildings where brittle materials were used in construction.支持系统的偏折经常是重要的,特别是在更旧的大厦,易碎的材料用于建筑。

7.It is a closed-cell structure with high permeabipty of vapor, hard but brittle and easy to be damaged with short pfe.连孔结构,有较高的水汽渗透率,其材质硬而发脆,容易破损,寿命短。

8.If your hair is dry, pstless, or brittle, or if it's not holding your color or style the way it used to, see a doctor.如果你的头发干枯,没有光泽,或是脆弱易断,或是无法保持原先的发色或发型,请你去看医生。

9.For the humped back is often the most visible sign of osteoporosis, a progressive disease that leaves bones thin and brittle.因为驼背通常是骨质疏松症最明显的症状,此症使得骨头逐渐变薄易碎。

10.The roof was the soundest part, though a good deal warped and made brittle by the sun.屋顶是最完整的一部分,虽然给太阳晒得弯弯曲曲,而且很脆。