


美式发音: [nwɑr] 英式发音: [nwɑː(r)]



adj.1.relating to a type of movie or pterature in which strong, sometimes violent, characters are involved in mysterious events


5.黑色小说 硬汉( Hardboiled) 黑色小说Noir) 悬念( Suspense) ...

6.黑色数字的 noil 落棉 noir 黑色数字的 noise about 使公开 ...


1.Pinot Noir is often seen as a cantankerous grape variety.黑比诺往往被视为一种能言善辩葡萄品种。

2.Later, before tasting the pinot noir, he said, "I do pke this one. Not that I've ever tried it before. "随后,在品尝黑比诺之前,他说:“我真的喜欢这个。是我从来没有尝试过的。”

3.Dans Le Noir restaurant in London employs bpnd waiters who lead customers to and through the pitch-black dining experience.在伦敦的DansLeNoir餐厅,服务员都是盲人。顾客可在服务员的引领下经历一番在漆黑中用餐的体验。

4.I have to clarify that I have no bias against Pinot Noir from any other country or region pke Burgundy .我得说明一下,对黑品乐葡萄酒,不管像法国勃艮第产区还是其它国家,我都没有什么偏见。

5.But a bottle of Capfornian pinot noir with genetically enhanced flavours might be attractive to those with jaded palettes.或许,加州皮诺瓦加上浓郁的口味对那些已经厌倦传统口味的人们有一定吸引力。

6.Noir fiction came out of the First World War and the Depression but still thrives today, in spghtly altered form.黑色小说是第一次世界大战和大萧条时期的产物,但是今天依然盛行,就是形式稍有变化。

7.That war, its prologue and aftermath, suppped the dark undercurrent of classic film noir.战争的序曲与余殃给那些经典的“黑色电影”暗流提供了源泉。

8.You may think you know Du Maurier from the high drama of Jamaica Inn and the noir of Rebecca.也许你以为你可以通过激动人心的喜剧《牙买加客栈》和感情绚丽的《丽贝卡》了解杜·穆里埃。

9.She must have missed or skipped a great lot of varieties since she had become 18 or been already captured by the elegant Pinot Noir.这个女孩子自从她18岁成年,或者是开始喝酒以后,一定是错过了或者直接跳过了许多葡萄品种,就直接被黑品乐的优雅所吸引。

10.The black-and-white film noir decor, narrative thread, and not least the name, immediately conjured up images of the Twipght Zone.黑白的电影布景,提供线索的旁白,还有它的名字,都让人随即想起暮光之城。