




1.精确定位 busy — 忙 corss精确定位 text — 选定文本 ...

2.凌晨 Rain 禁忌 CORSS 凌晨 Asura 柔柔 ...

3.高仕 威迪文 waterman 高仕 CORSS 施德楼 STAEDTLER ...

4.大众 ... ·GOLF· 新速腾和高尔夫6对比 ·corss· 大众 19667-6 ...

5.向量叉积函数 expint 指数积分函数 corss 向量叉积函数 factor 质因子函数 ...

6.交叉款 VOLUMN_ 浓密款 CORSS_ 交叉款 XL_ 超长款 ...


1.Little Frank: Whenever we corss the road, she always grabs hold of my hand.小法兰克:每次过马路时,她总是牢牢的捉住我的手!

2.the street men almost always walk or corss the street on the side of the ladies which is closer to the traffic.走在马路上时,男士总是让自己走在靠近汽车的一侧。

3.Somewhere over there, the undercover men I arranged to meet, we'll call him Mr. Kim, hides and waits for the chance to corss the river.在那边的某个地方,我要见的那个未曾相识的人正躲藏着并等待渡河的机会.我们叫他金先生。

4.One dimensional corss-range imaging and the method of improving resolution for a low resolution radar target低分辨雷达的一维横向成像及提高分辨率的方法

5.A theory of effective channel capacity is developed for corss-layer optimization为跨层优化提供有效通路容量理论

6.Corss-sectional survey on the current status of drug therapy in patients with stable heart failure in Shanghai上海市稳定性心力衰竭患者药物治疗现状调查

7.Control of Cross-section Direction for Corss-section Survey of Route线路横断面测量的断面方向控制