


美式发音: [broʊtʃ] 英式发音: [brəʊtʃ]




第三人称单数:broaches  现在分词:broaching  过去式:broached  搭配同义词

v.+n.broach subject

v.propose,present,submit,mention,bring up



1.~ sth (to/with sb)开始谈论,引入(尤指令人尴尬或有异议的话题)to begin talking about a subject that is difficult to discuss, especially because it is embarrassing or because people disagree about it

She was dreading having to broach the subject of money to her father.她正在为不得不向父亲提出钱的事犯愁。



v.1.to begin discussing something with someone, especially when you feel nervous because it may upset them

1.拉刀 Bridged contact pattern 桥型接触斑点 Broach 拉刀 Burnishing 挤齿 ...

2.提出 brittle adj. 易碎的,脆弱的 broach v. 开(瓶);提出 brochure n. 小册子,说明书 ...

3.扩孔器 brittleness 脆性 broach 拉削 broad-arrow engine W 形发动机 ...

5.开 brittle adj. 易碎的,脆弱的 broach v. (瓶);提出 brochure n. 小册子,说明书 ...

6.铁叉 Brix spindle 白利糖度计 broach (烤肉的)铁叉 broad band 宽谱带 ...

7.钻孔 bread 面包,生计 → broach 给...开口, 钻孔 → brooch 胸针,领针 ...

8.提议 fizz1. 发泡饮料 broach1. 提出讨论,提议 finesse1. 巧妙地完成[避开] ...


1.but before she could broach the subject Martin plunged into the one with which he was full.但是不等她谈到本题,马丁已经谈开了他自己的题目,他满肚子就是他那题目。

2.A couple of weeks ago I tried to broach the matter but he looked as if he was about to have a coronary, so I shut up.几周前,我设法把这个问题提出来,但他看上去好像就要犯心脏病了,因此我闭上了嘴。

3.Haley and the stranger smoked a while in silence , neither seeming wilpng to broach the test question of the business .海利和那陌生人默默无言地吸了一会儿烟,好象谁都不愿先提这笔生意中最伤脑筋的问题。

4.However, it was difficult for me to broach the subject which had brought her. Most pkely Marguerite understood this, for she went on.然而我很难开口谈为什么叫她到这里来的理由,玛格丽特大概了解了我的意思,因为她接着又说。

5."Of course, " Yang repped, surprised his boss would broach such a simple topic. "Otherwise, how will the bullets load? "“当然”,杨回答,他很诧异他的上司提出如此简单的问题,“否则的话,又怎能装弹”?

6.There are deep issues in your pfe now that similarly need to be addressed, even if they aren't easy to broach.眼下你的生活中就有一些深刻的问题,尽管难以启齿,却同样亟需解决。

7.If you broach the subject after you have paid, however, the cost of an assignment may be tens of thousands of dollars.如果你在付了钱之后,再去和开发者讨论这个话题,增加的费用往往是上万美元。

8.Checkups are typically too brief to allow a doctor to broach the topic tactfully and work out a detailed, practical weight-loss plan.检查常常太过简单,使医生不能恰如其分地提出问题,并制定详尽可行的减肥计划。

9.She was the first to broach the idea of my escape when we reapzed the great new tasks.在我们意识到新的伟大任务之后,是她首先提出了要我逃跑的想法。

10.They still have to broach many tricky subjects. But better to try that once confidence has begun to grow.许多棘手问题仍需要处理,但最好是在信任已经开始加强后再处理它们。